I use Julia v1.1, Atom 1.37.0 x64, Juno 0.8.3. under Windows 10. Sometimes when try to debug my code Juno doesn´t recognize my code or the code changes I have made. So that I have to restart Julia relatively often.
Does somebody else has this problem? Or is it a known problem?
For debugging I use the command Juno@run myfunc() or Juno@enter myfunc() with the packages Debugger, Rebugger, Revise and JulianInterpreter and the includet command for the files, where I would like to set breakpoints.
Do I miss something for the right handling of the debugger?
Furthermore sometimes when I type in a variable name in the command prompt in debug mode, which is already created and listed in the workspace, I get an UndefVarError message. Then I tried to go ahead with debug next line and the code, which is depending on the same variable, is evaluated.
This is a bit vague – did you re-eval the code in the right module? Or did you rely on Revise? If the latter, did you make sure that Revise knows about the module/file you’ve loaded?
Hint: a situation where I detected that the cited configuration does not work is when you have set the environment variable JULIA_DEPOT_PATH to a place different from the default directory. In such case, if your packages live in “xxxx/.julia”, then it seems that “xxxx/.julia/config/” is not the place where the “startup.jl” is looked for. Editing “etc/julia/startup.jl” in your Julia installation directory works though.
user = "Volker"
lib_path = string("C:/Users/", user, "/Data/Ju_Lib/")
root_test = [root for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(lib_path)]
dirs_test = [dirs for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(lib_path)]
lib_paths = []
for i in 1:length(dirs_test), j in 1:length(dirs_test[i])
if ~isempty(dirs_test[i])
push!(LOAD_PATH, (replace(string(root_test[i], "/", dirs_test[i][j]), "//" => "/")))
using Debugger
using Rebugger
using JuliaInterpreter
using Revise
includet(string(lib_path, "eaopt/Individual.jl")
includet(string(lib_path, "eaopt/Population.jl")
using Population
using Individual
I add the paths of all my folders in directory C:/Users/", user, "/Data/Ju_Lib/ the LOAD_PATH, so that the using command finds my moduls. I don´t know if this could be the mistake.
Maybe the following command will fix this. I will reply my progress.
The configuration helps, so that the module will be recompiled after restart Julia. I add the following code to my startup.
using Debugger
using Rebugger
using JuliaInterpreter
ENV["JULIA_REVISE"] = "auto"
atreplinit() do repl
@eval using Revise
@async Revise.wait_steal_repl_backend()