Curious regression

A while ago I found a curious performance regression in a very simple change to the sparse mat-vec product. Today I tried the same on Julia 0.7 and the results were exactly the opposite*:

> bench() # Julia 0.6.2
(Trial(634.698 μs), Trial(1.479 ms))
> bench() # Julia 0.7 latest nightly
(Trial(1.290 ms), Trial(683.206 μs))

The benchmark is as follows:

using BenchmarkTools

import Base: start, next, done

struct HalfOpenRange{T}

start(r::HalfOpenRange) = r.lo
done(r::HalfOpenRange, s) = s == r.hi
next(r::HalfOpenRange{T}, s) where {T} = (s, s + T(1))

function new_mul!(y::AbstractVector{Tv}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, x::AbstractVector{Tv}) where {Tv,Ti}
    @inbounds for i = 1 : A.n
        xval = x[i]
        for j = HalfOpenRange(A.colptr[i], A.colptr[i+1])
            y[A.rowval[j]] += A.nzval[j] * xval


function curr_mul!(y::AbstractVector{Tv}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, x::AbstractVector{Tv}) where {Tv,Ti}
    @inbounds for i = 1 : A.n
        xval = x[i]
        for j = A.colptr[i] : A.colptr[i+1] - 1
            y[A.rowval[j]] += A.nzval[j] * xval

function bench(n = 100_000)
    A = spdiagm((fill(-1.0, n - 1), fill(2.0, n), fill(-1.2, n - 1)), (-1, 0, 1))
    x = rand(n)

    bench_new = @benchmark new_mul!(y, $A, $x) setup = (y = zeros($x))
    bench_curr = @benchmark curr_mul!(y, $A, $x) setup = (y = zeros($x))

    bench_new, bench_curr

Now the weird thing is that if I diff the result of @code_native on Julia 0.7, it seems like the slower variant has only a subset of the assembly operations of the faster variant. Below is the only significant diff:

@@ -16,14 +16,9 @@
        nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
        movq    -8(%r11,%r15,8), %rbx
-       movq    (%r11,%r15,8), %rcx
-       addq    $-1, %rcx
-       leaq    -1(%rbx), %rdx
-       cmpq    %rcx, %rbx
-       cmovleq %rcx, %rdx
-       addq    $1, %rdx
+       movq    (%r11,%r15,8), %rdx
        cmpq    %rdx, %rbx
-       je      L177
+       je      L161
        vmovsd  -8(%r8,%r15,8), %xmm0   ## xmm0 = mem[0],zero
        movq    24(%r10), %rcx
        movq    32(%r10), %rdi

This is the part where A.colptr[i] and A.colptr[i+1] are being dereferenced. The fast version (in red) performs the -1, while the slow version (in green) doesn’t need to do it and has fewer instructions.

So where could the regression come from? I’m puzzled.

*Benchmark was run on a three years old Macbook Air.