Hi All!
I am using Julia to do Brownian dynamics simulation of many hard spheres in 2D and 3D (employing the repulsive LJ interaction). My code is mostly based on SoftSquishymatter.jl package, but the main difference is that I am using SVectors to store positions/velocities/forces. I am using the cell-linked list method to avoid computing the unnecessary intractions and atom decomposition for calculating forces between particles. Using ```Threads.@threads’’’ I am getting speedup moving from 1 core to 2 cores and so on. But this speedup is saturating at some point. I expected, ideally, to get speedup with a factor of the number of cores that I am using. However, it turned out that, for example, using moving from 10 to 20 cores, I don’t get any detectable speedup. Does anybody have any advice regarding this issue(?)?
This the part that my code integrates the equations of motion:
function Update_Particles!(brownian::Brownian, periodicity::SVector)
dim = size(periodicity,1)
Threads.@threads for particle in brownian.particles
particle.v = particle.f .+ sqrt(2.0 /brownian.dt) .* SRandns(dim)
particle.r = particle.r .+ brownian.dt .* particle.v
PBC!(particle, periodicity)
particle.f = SZeros(dim)
This is the part that my code computes the interaction between particles:
function compute_interactions!(wca::WCA, periodicity::SVector)
dim = size(periodicity,1)
if dim == 2
Threads.@nthread for particle in wca.particles
i = trunc(Int64, particle.r[1] / wca.cell_list.cell_dr[1])
j = trunc(Int64, particle.r[2] / wca.cell_list.cell_dr[2])
f_x, f_y = 0.0, 0.0
@inbounds for dj = -1 : 1, di = -1 : 1
idi = mod(i + di, wca.cell_list.num_cells[1]) + 1
jdj = mod(j + dj, wca.cell_list.num_cells[2]) + 1
pid = wca.cell_list.start_pid[idi, jdj]
while pid > 0
neighbor = wca.cell_list.particles[pid]
Δx = wrap_displacement(particle.r[1] - neighbor.r[1]; period = periodicity[1])
Δy = wrap_displacement(particle.r[2] - neighbor.r[2]; period = periodicity[2])
Δr² = Δx^2 + Δy^2
σ² = 0.25*(particle.σ + neighbor.σ)^2
rc² = wca.rc^2
if 0.0 < Δr² < rc²
inv² = σ² / Δr²
inv⁶ = inv² * inv² * inv²
coef = wca.ϵ * (48.0 * inv⁶ - 24.0) * inv⁶ / Δr²
f_x += (_f_x = coef * Δx)
f_y += (_f_y = coef * Δy)
if wca.use_newton_3rd
neighbor.f = SVector{2,Float64}(neighbor.f .- [f_x,f_y])
pid = wca.cell_list.next_pid[pid]
particle.f = SVector{2,Float64}(particle.f .+ [f_x,f_y])