Thanks for the tips, I will be adding them to the “fast” version of the MD testing code to see where it gets.
That specific computation takes about half of the time. The other half mostly is time that is spent trying to avoid reaching the point of having to compute the interactions. (building cell lists, and a bunch of other tricks).
Sincerely I think that the main difference is somewhere on the fact that I was not able to find a proper point where copying the data to allow simd to take place was worthwhile.
Just so that no one thinks that I’m hiding anything, the “simulation” code is below. I will when appropriate put it in a well organized package, which will part of my test set of of the CellListMap.jl code.
This runs a simulation of 10k Neon atoms using the velocity-verlet integration scheme. It is almost a copy/paste from the basic algorithm one can find in text books (except for the calls to map_pairwise!
to compute the forces, which is the function that CellListMap.jl provides).
md code using CellListMap.jl
import Chemfiles
using CellListMap
using FastPow
using StaticArrays
using Printf
using Base.Threads
using Parameters
using Statistics: mean
using LinearAlgebra: norm_sqr
# Simulation setup
@with_kw struct Params{V,N,T,M,UnitCellType}
x0::V = getcoor("ne10k.pdb")
temperature::T = 300.
nsteps::Int = 10_000
dt::T = 1.0 # fs
ibath::Int = 10
print_energy::Int = 50
print_traj::Int = 100
trajfile::String = ""
cutoff::T = 10.
box::Box{UnitCellType,N,T,M} = Box([ 80., 80., 80. ], cutoff)
# Parameters for Neon
mass::T = 20.17900 # g/mol
ε::T = 0.0441795 # kcal/mol
σ::T = 2*1.64009 # Å
kB::T = 0.001985875 # Boltzmann constant kcal / mol K
# Structure that carries both the energy and force vector
@with_kw struct UF{T,V}
# function that computes energy and forces
@fastpow function energy_and_force(x,y,i,j,d2,ε,σ,uf::UF{T,V}) where {T,V}
@unpack u, f = uf
d = sqrt(d2)
u += ε*( σ^12/d^12 - 2*σ^6/d^6 )
r = y - x
dudr = -12*ε*(σ^12/d^13 - σ^6/d^7)*(r/d)
f[i] = f[i] + dudr
f[j] = f[j] - dudr
return UF(u,f)
# reduction rule for the (u,f) tuple (u, and f are zeroed outside)
function reduceuf(uf,uf_threaded)
@unpack u, f = uf
for it in 1:nthreads()
u += uf_threaded[it].u
@. f += uf_threaded[it].f
return UF(u,f)
# Kinetic energy and temperature
compute_kinetic(v::AbstractVector,m) = (m/2)*sum(x -> norm_sqr(x), v)
compute_temp(kinetic,kB,n) = 2*kinetic/(3*kB*n)
compute_temp(v::AbstractVector,m,kB) = 2*compute_kinetic(v,m)/(3*kB*length(v))
# Remove drift from velocities
function remove_drift!(v)
vmean = mean(v)
v .= v .- Ref(vmean)
# Function to print output data
function print_data(istep,x,params,u,kinetic,trajfile)
@unpack print_energy, print_traj, kB = params
if istep%print_energy == 0
temp = compute_temp(kinetic,kB,length(x))
"STEP = %8i U = %12.5f K = %12.5f TOT = %12.5f TEMP = %12.5f\n",
istep, u, kinetic, u+kinetic, temp
if istep%print_traj == 0 && istep > 0
println(trajfile," step = ", istep)
for i in 1:length(x)
@printf(trajfile,"Ne %12.5f %12.5f %12.5f\n", ntuple(j -> x[i][j], 3)...)
return nothing
# Read coordinates from NAMD-DCD file
function getcoor(file)
traj = redirect_stdout(() -> Chemfiles.Trajectory(file), devnull)
frame = Chemfiles.read_step(traj,0)
return copy(reinterpret(reshape,SVector{3,Float64},Chemfiles.positions(frame)))
# Simulation
function simulate(params::Params{V,N,T,UnitCellType}) where {V,N,T,UnitCellType}
@unpack x0, temperature, nsteps, box, dt, ε, σ, mass, kB = params
trajfile = open(params.trajfile,"w")
# To use coordinates in Angstroms, dt must be in 10ps. Usually packages
# use ps and nm internally (thus multiply coordinates by 10 and divide
# the timestep given in fs by 1000)
dt = dt/100
# Initial arrays
x = copy(x0)
f = similar(x)
flast = similar(x)
# Initial velocities
v = randn(eltype(x),size(x))
# Adjust average to desidred temperature
t0 = compute_temp(v,mass,kB)
@. v = v * sqrt(temperature/t0)
# Remove drift
# Build cell lists for the first time
cl = CellList(x,box)
# preallocate threaded output, since it contains the forces vector
f .= Ref(zeros(eltype(f)))
uf_threaded = [ UF(0.,deepcopy(f)) for _ in 1:nthreads() ]
aux = CellListMap.AuxThreaded(cl)
# Compute energy and forces at initial point
uf = UF(0.,f)
uf = map_pairwise!(
(x,y,i,j,d2,output) -> energy_and_force(x,y,i,j,d2,ε,σ,output),
uf, box, cl, parallel=true,
u = uf.u
kinetic = compute_kinetic(v,mass)
# Simulate
for istep in 1:nsteps
# Update positions (velocity-verlet)
@. x = x + v*dt + 0.5*(f/mass)*dt^2
# Reset energy and forces
flast .= f
u = 0.
f .= Ref(zeros(eltype(f)))
uf = UF(u,f)
@threads for it in 1:nthreads()
ft = uf_threaded[it].f
ft .= Ref(zeros(eltype(f)))
uf_threaded[it] = UF(0.,ft)
# Compute energy and forces
uf = map_pairwise!(
(x,y,i,j,d2,output) -> energy_and_force(x,y,i,j,d2,ε,σ,output),
uf, box, cl, parallel=true,
u = uf.u
if u/length(x) > 1e10
println("Simulation is unstable. ")
return nothing
# Update velocities
@. v = v + 0.5*((flast + f)/mass)*dt
# Print data and output file
kinetic = compute_kinetic(v,mass)
# Isokinetic bath
if istep%params.ibath == 0
temp = compute_temp(kinetic,kB,length(v))
@. v = v * sqrt(temperature/temp)
# Update cell lists
cl = UpdateCellList!(x,box,cl,aux)