Using multiple cores but the speed doesn't increase

I am remotely accessing CPU with 42 cores. I ran the following command

julia --threads 40 in the REPL and set julia.NumThreads": 40 in VSC.

Threads.nthreads() gives 40. But there is no improvement in the speed. Kindly let me know what I’m missing. Thanks

Does your code ever do anything to launch parallel tasks? If not, you shouldn’t expect speedup. Just because you have more cores doesn’t mean that you’ve given them anything to do.


U mean that I should use Threads.@threads macro before every for loop?

I thought that using multi-threading gives an extra advantage. The reason why I was hesitating from using that is I gathered from a YT video that it can lead to data race error.

I thought it was possible to speed up the code without using multi-threading.

Ok, I just realized that there is something called multi-processing.

If you want to speed up your code, the first thing you want to do is speed up its sequential version, for instance using this guide:

If that is not enough, or if you have access to a big machine, you can also use parallel computing.

There are several flavors of parallel computing. The main distinction to understand is between shared memory (eg. multithreading) and separate memory (eg. multiprocessing).

  • In multiprocessing, you don’t have to worry about separate processes accessing the same memory, but you pay higher communication costs.
  • In multithreading, your communication costs are much lower but several threads can access the same memory and cause race conditions. An example of what that means is given here:

If you have a more concrete code example, we might be able to help you ensure correctness and performance scaling.

Indeed, before every loop for which the work can be performed in parallel without error.


Not really. Only loops where each iteration needs a curtain amount of time (more than 0.1ms, my guess) are worth running multi-threaded, because multi-threading has an overhead. And large matrix operations run multi-threaded anyways, but are not using Julia threads.



Would it be possible to share your code? Maybe a minimal working example of it.

That makes it much easier to judge whether multithreading helps.


The length of each iteration is irrelevant, I presume you mean the total summed time of all iterations? If you do 1,000,000 iterations of 1ms each, clearly you can benefit from multithreading.

Anyway, 5ms, sounds high, even for the total time. I’ve seen speedups for workloads in the sub milli-seconds range.


Yeah, the overhead seems to be small:

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> arr = randn((100,100));

julia> function f(arr)
           for i in eachindex(arr)
               arr[i] = sin(arr[i])
           return arr
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function f_threaded(arr)
           Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(arr)
               arr[i] = sin(arr[i])
           return arr
f_threaded (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime f($arr);
  23.679 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime f_threaded($arr);
  8.930 μs (61 allocations: 6.14 KiB)

Thanks a lot everyone. Sorry, I didn’t see the replies, bcoz after seeing Julia documentation (remote call, fetch and all that) I had decided to use just one core.

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It’s a simulation of gene regulatory network using Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm.

using Statistics
using Dates
using CSV
using DataFrames

function FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,idx,t)

        for i in 1:1
                if (i != idx)
                    Nanog[i,t+1] = Nanog[i,t]
                    Gata6[i,t+1] = Gata6[i,t] 
                    Recep[i,t+1] = Recep[i,t]
                    Fgf4[i,t+1] = Fgf4[i,t]                   
        return Nanog, Gata6, Recep, Fgf4

function Run0()

        println("I'm in m0")

        #numT = 1

        #FracVec_II = Array{Float64}(undef,numT)

        T = 50

        #YMax = 100 

        Cols = 10^8 + 2*10^6   

        Val_kf = 96; Val_Kd2f = 25; Val_Km = 100

        Vec = [1.25, 0.3,   1.25, 0.3,   2.0, 0.3,   160, 5.0,   17,   13.5,   Val_kf/32, 1, Val_Kd2f,   Val_Km]        
        p = 2

        Kd21=p*Vec[7] #binding of Gata6 to Nanog's promoter
        Kd31=p*Vec[8] #binding of Activated Recep to Nanog's promoter

        Kd12=p*Vec[9] #binding of Nanog to Gata6's promoter

        Kd13=p*Vec[10] #binding of Nanog to Recep's promoter      
        Kd2f=p*Vec[13] #binding of Gata6 to Fgf4's promoter


        a=2 #Hill-coefficient of Nanog 
        b=2 #Hill-coefficient of Gata6   
        c=2 #Hill-coefficient of Fgf4 suppression of Nanog production
        d=2 #Hill-coefficient of Gata6 repression of Fgf4 production

        #name = 'Stoch_Gillespie_1b'

        #filename1 = strcat('D:\Research\Excel_files\stochastic_stable_states\',name,'_stochastic_stable_states.xlsx')
        #for num = 1:1:numT


                Nanog = Array{Float64}(undef,1,Cols)
                Gata6 = Array{Float64}(undef,1,Cols)
                Recep = Array{Float64}(undef,1,Cols)
                Fgf4 = Array{Float64}(undef,1,Cols)
                Time = Array{Float64}(undef,1,Cols)

                Nanog_Total = 0
                Gata6_Total = 0

                for i1 in 1:1
                        for j1 in 1:Cols
                                Nanog[i1,j1] = -1
                                Gata6[i1,j1] = -1
                                Recep[i1,j1] = -1
                                Fgf4[i1,j1] = -1

                for i2 in 1:Cols
                        Time[1,i2] = -1

                for i3 in 1:size(Nanog)[1]
                        Nanog[i3,1] = 0
                        Gata6[i3,1] = 0
                        Recep[i3,1] = 0
                        Fgf4[i3,1] = 0

                Time[1,1] = 0
                True = true

                while True

                        PF = zeros(1,8)

                        #XSn is the average number of molecules perceived by the nth cell
                        XS1 = 0.5*Fgf4[1,t]                                                              
                        m = 0

                        #PF[,n) is the propensity function for the (quotient(PF[,),6)+1)th cell
                        Ra1 = Recep[1,t]*(XS1/Km)/(1+XS1/Km)

                        PF[1,1] = (2^m)*(b1)/((1+(Gata6[1,t]/Kd21)^b)*(1+(Ra1/Kd31)^c))
                        PF[1,2] = d1*Nanog[1,t]
                        PF[1,3] = (2^m)*(b2)/(1+(Nanog[1,t]/Kd12)^a)                                                         
                        PF[1,4] = d2*Gata6[1,t]        
                        PF[1,5] = (2^m)*(b3)/(1+(Nanog[1,t]/Kd13)^a)
                        PF[1,6] = d3*Recep[1,t]

                        PF[1,7] = kf/(1+(Gata6[1,t]/Kd2f)^d)
                        PF[1,8] = d4*Fgf4[1,t]
                        B = rand()
                        C = log(B)
                        Tao = (-1)*C/(sum(PF))
                        Time[1,t+1] = Time[1,t] + Tao
                        diff = Time[1,t+1]-Time[1,t]  

                        #if (diff < small)
                        #    small=diff
                        if ((Time[1,t]+Tao) >= T)
                                #print("Time: ")
                                #print("Tao: ")
                        D = rand()
                        if (D*sum(PF) < PF[1,1])    
                            Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]+1
                            Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t] 
                            Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]
                            Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t] 
                            Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                            Nanog = Ret[1]
                            Gata6 = Ret[2]
                            Recep = Ret[3]
                            Fgf4 = Ret[4]
                        elseif (PF[1,1] <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:2])) 
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]-1
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t] 

                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]

                        elseif (sum(PF[1,1:2]) <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:3])) 
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]+1
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t] 

                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]
                        elseif (sum(PF[1,1:3]) <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:4])) 
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]-1
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t]  
                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]
                        elseif (sum(PF[1,1:4]) <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:5])) 
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]+1
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t]

                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]
                        elseif (sum(PF[1,1:5]) <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:6])) 
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]-1
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t]

                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]                                

                        elseif (sum(PF[1,1:6]) <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:7]))               
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t]+1

                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]

                        else #(sum(PF[1,1:7]) <= D*sum(PF) && D*sum(PF) < sum(PF[1,1:8]))               
                                Nanog[1,t+1] = Nanog[1,t]
                                Gata6[1,t+1] = Gata6[1,t]
                                Recep[1,t+1] = Recep[1,t]
                                Fgf4[1,t+1] = Fgf4[1,t]-1

                                Ret = FillArrays0(Nanog,Gata6,Recep,Fgf4,1,t)
                                Nanog = Ret[1]
                                Gata6 = Ret[2]
                                Recep = Ret[3]
                                Fgf4 = Ret[4]


                        t = t+1



                EndIdx = 0

                for i4 in 1:size(Nanog)[2] 


                                EndIdx = i4-1



                #print("EndIdx: ")
                NewNanog = zeros(1,EndIdx)
                NewGata6 = zeros(1,EndIdx)
                NewRecep = zeros(1,EndIdx)
                NewFgf4 = zeros(1,EndIdx)   
                NewTime = zeros(1,EndIdx) 
                for i5 in 1:1

                        for j2 in 1:EndIdx

                                NewNanog[i5,j2] = Nanog[i5,j2]
                                NewGata6[i5,j2] = Gata6[i5,j2]
                                NewRecep[i5,j2] = Recep[i5,j2]
                                NewFgf4[i5,j2] = Fgf4[i5,j2]



                for j2 in 1:EndIdx

                        NewTime[1,j2] = Time[1,j2]

                RetNanog_m0 = zeros(1)
                RetGata6_m0 = zeros(1)
                RetRecep_m0 = zeros(1)
                RetFgf4_m0 = zeros(1) 
                for i7 in 1:1

                        RetNanog_m0[i7] = NewNanog[i7,end]
                        RetGata6_m0[i7] = NewGata6[i7,end]
                        RetRecep_m0[i7] = NewRecep[i7,end]
                        RetFgf4_m0[i7] = NewFgf4[i7,end]

                for i6 in 1:1

                        if (NewNanog[i6,EndIdx] > NewGata6[i6,EndIdx])
                                Nanog_Total = Nanog_Total + 1
                                Gata6_Total = Gata6_Total + 1
                        plot(NewNanog[i6,:], lc=:blue, lw=2)
                        plot!(NewGata6[i6,:], lc=:green, lw=2)
                        plot!(NewRecep[i6,:], lc=:red, lw=2)
                        plot!(NewFgf4[i6,:], lc=:magenta ,lw=2)
                        plot!(grid=false, legend=false)
                        xlims!(0, size(NewNanog)[2])
                        ylims!(0, YMax)

                        ylabel!("Protein concentration")
                        plot(NewNanog[i6,:], lc=:blue, lw=2)
                        plot!(NewGata6[i6,:], lc=:green, lw=2)
                        plot!(grid=false, legend=false)
                        xlims!(0, size(NewNanog)[2])
                        ylims!(0, YMax)

                        ylabel!("Protein concentration")

                Frac = Nanog_Total/(Nanog_Total + Gata6_Total)
                FracVec_II[num] = Frac


                return  RetNanog_m0, RetGata6_m0, RetRecep_m0, RetFgf4_m0 


I am simulating a gene regulatory network along with cell division, so with every cell division the number of equations doubles. This is for the first cell. I have four more such scripts (for no. of cells 2, 4, 8, 16, 32). And I access all the files from the file for 32 cell stage.

Plz let me know how this code could be sped up using mutli-processing (at this point I am too scared of something going wrong with multi-threading).

Is this a typo?

The perfectionist in me goads me to use the full syntax for i in 1:1:N :slight_smile:

So there is a N missing there?

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Maybe not should, in addition to other good answer here, profile you code, see what code, loops, need optimizing. It’s usually 10% of the code spending 90% of the time.

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Oh, here I did away with that full syntax. That is correct. Actually, for other scripts, it was 1:2, 1:4, 1:8 1:16, 1:32. So I stuck with the loop (1:1).

I wanted to point out that SciML calls these type of simulations Stochastic Differential Equations and that Gillespie simulations are but one of many solvers.


Thanks. I actually wanted to used exact approximation method.

Surely you could feed the number in on the command line, rather than maintaining separate scripts.
By the way, showing my ignorance here, are agent based simulations of any use
Introduction · Agents.jl (

I would guess not as you are dealing with an expanding population of agents/ cells

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I call script n-1 from script n.

I have done agent based simulation too, while this is detailed ODE based simulation. Thnx for the suggestion.

I visited the page on parallel computing.

It says, “Remote references come in two flavors: Future and RemoteChannel.”

And there are commands like @spawnet etc

I guess this will require extensive modification of the code. Also, I just came to know that I was using only a single core of my desktop computer (not the lab’s common and much bigger computer), whereas it has 16!

I just wanna know if there is a way to engage all the cores without making the above-mentioned modifications?

Something like julia --t or julia --p?