Change xticklabels in PolarAxis (GLMakie)

Hello =)

I work with GLMakie and I want to plot the following :

rticklabels = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"] 
rticks = 0:10:60
f = Figure(size = (800, 400))
ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1], rticks = rticks, rticklabels = rticklabels)
lineobject = lines!(ax, θ,valeur_wgrid_smoothed_viz, color = :red)

I want to change the xtick labels with a, b, c, d … but it doesn’t work.
Could you help ?

Thanks =)

Pass the ticks and labels as a tuple to rticks

Sorry, I am new to Julia and i don’t understand what you mean.
I tried this but it won’t work either :

f = Figure(size = (800, 400))
ax = PolarAxis(f[1, 1])
for j in 1:length(liste)
    lineobject = lines!(ax, θ,valeur_wgrid_smoothed_viz[:,j], linewidth = 3)
ticks = 0:10:60
labels = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]   # Corresponding labels for the ticks
set_ticks!(ax, ticks, labels)

Where did you get set_ticks!? You can look for examples setting manual ticks on Axis in the docs, it works the same way for PolarAxis in principle