I come upon this post of how to change tick labels with Makie, but is it not working because NT is not defined
. Looking at Makie documentation, the solution should be the function:
xticks!([scene,]; xtickranges=xtickrange(scene), xticklabels=xticklabel(scene))
My question is simple, how do I make use of this function ?
One, from many, attempts was:
using AbstractPlotting, CairoMakie
scene = Scene(resolution = (1000, 1000))
scatter!(rand(10),log10.(rand(10)), marker=:rect, color=RGBf0(0.003921, 0.423529, 0.349019))
scatter!(rand(10),log10.(rand(10)), marker=:cross, color=RGBf0(0.403921, 0.662745, 0.811764))
axis = scene[Axis]
axis[:names, :axisnames]= ("bbb", "uuu")
AbstractPlotting.xticks!(scene; xtickranges = [0.11, 0.22, 0.77], xticklabels =["0.11", "sss", "po99"])
Thank You, and donβt forget to stay home and drink