How to change the color and shape of boxplot objects by PyPlot.
There some parameters like whiskerprops and meanprops, but I did not find any examples.
Thank you!
data = [[1,2,3],[2,5,6],[2,4,2,3,2]]
fig = figure("pyplot_boxplot",figsize=(5,5))
How to use “Other Parameters” of boxplot()
Other Parameters
showcaps : bool, optional (True)
Show the caps on the ends of whiskers.
showbox : bool, optional (True)
Show the central box.
showfliers : bool, optional (True)
Show the outliers beyond the caps.
showmeans : bool, optional (False)
Show the arithmetic means.
capprops : dict, optional (None)
Specifies the style of the caps.
boxprops : dict, optional (None)
Specifies the style of the box.
whiskerprops : dict, optional (None)
Specifies the style of the whiskers.
flierprops : dict, optional (None)
Specifies the style of the fliers.
medianprops : dict, optional (None)
Specifies the style of the median.
meanprops : dict, optional (None)
Specifies the style of the mean.