Change the color and shape of boxplot objects (mean, flier) by PyPlot

How to change the color and shape of boxplot objects by PyPlot.
There some parameters like whiskerprops and meanprops, but I did not find any examples.
Thank you!

data = [[1,2,3],[2,5,6],[2,4,2,3,2]]
fig = figure("pyplot_boxplot",figsize=(5,5))

How to use “Other Parameters” of boxplot()

Other Parameters
showcaps : bool, optional (True)
    Show the caps on the ends of whiskers.
showbox : bool, optional (True)
    Show the central box.
showfliers : bool, optional (True)
    Show the outliers beyond the caps.
showmeans : bool, optional (False)
    Show the arithmetic means.
capprops : dict, optional (None)
    Specifies the style of the caps.
boxprops : dict, optional (None)
    Specifies the style of the box.
whiskerprops : dict, optional (None)
    Specifies the style of the whiskers.
flierprops : dict, optional (None)
    Specifies the style of the fliers.
medianprops : dict, optional (None)
    Specifies the style of the median.
meanprops : dict, optional (None)
    Specifies the style of the mean.

This may be a proper choice to change the style of boxplot object

meanpointprops = Dict("marker"=>:*,"markersize"=>10,"markeredgecolor"=>:black, "markerfacecolor"=>:red)
