Changing the colors of certain boxes in a groupedboxplot

i am using plots.jl to create some box and whisker plots.

I would like to change the boxes of certain colors in the following graph. however when i tried defining my color array that specified which years i wanted to be of a different color i kept getting an error msg.

first i tried defining the color_array to be the same size as the final group data (44). that didnt work.
then i tried defining the color_array to be the same size as the raw daily values that are getting grouped by julia (3870). that didnt work either


CAR_8760_Temps_box = groupedboxplot(df_regions_winter_Y,df_regions_winter_CAR_8760_Temps, bar_width = 0.8, label = "CAR", color=color_array, ylims=(-20,75))
CAR_8760_Temps_box = plot!(CAR_8760_Temps_box, xrot=45, xtickfontsize=6, ylabel="Temp (*F)",ylabelfontsize=7, ytickfontsize=7, yticks=(-20:10:70))```