Can't install Polars and DuckDB on windows 11

Glad I could help.

Well, Google (or your favourite seach engine) and the Julia Discourse are your friends :slight_smile: . When I got the error message that Polars could not be found (in the registry), I just googled to get to the github page. Most of the time you would find installation instructions, especially if it’s not just add <package>. In the absence of this I checked the Issues, where there indeed was one about registration. Now, I remembered that you could directly install packages from github, but if you wouldn’t, the first Google result for “Julia install package from github” is

which is helpful.

For DuckDB I just searched for something along the lines of “precompile DuckDB” on the Julia Discourse, resulting in the topic I linked to. Again, I was already aware of the Pkg syntax to install a specific version, but that’s a quick Google search away. If I remember correctly

(@v1.11) pkg> add DuckDB@1.0

didn’t work, as it would still install a newer version of the _jll file, as evidenced by the output in the REPL, so I also forced the version here.

I think it would be best to create a new topic. Well, first look around a bit on the Discourse to see if no similar question has been asked in the past. If not, I think posting under New to Julia is fine.

I’m haven’t encountered this error before, but you could try the solution proposed here:

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