I noticed to my delight that there is a DuckDB.jl package for DuckDB.
I now want to read in some Parquet data from an in-house S3 storage. According to the documentation I need the httpfs extension for DuckDB, but how should I run the INSTALL 'fts'; command?
This is not the right way to do it:
julia --project=. --threads=32
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.9.0 (2023-05-07)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/ |
julia> using DuckDB
julia> con = DBInterface.connect(DuckDB.DB, ":memory:")
julia> # list extensions
DBInterface.execute(con, "select * from duckdb_extensions()")
13Γ6 DataFrame
Row β extension_name loaded installed install_path description aliases
β String? Bool? Bool? String? String? Arrayβ¦?
1 β autocomplete false false Add supports for autocomplete inβ¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
2 β fts false false Adds support for Full-Text Searcβ¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
3 β httpfs false false Adds support for reading and wriβ¦ Union{Missing, String}["http", "β¦
4 β icu true true (BUILT-IN) Adds support for time zones and β¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
5 β inet false false Adds support for IP-related dataβ¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
6 β jemalloc true true (BUILT-IN) Overwrites system allocator withβ¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
7 β json false false Adds support for JSON operations Union{Missing, String}[]
8 β motherduck false false Enables motherduck integration wβ¦ Union{Missing, String}["md"]
9 β parquet true true (BUILT-IN) Adds support for reading and wriβ¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
10 β postgres_scanner false false Adds support for reading from a β¦ Union{Missing, String}["postgresβ¦
11 β sqlite_scanner false false Adds support for reading SQLite β¦ Union{Missing, String}["sqlite",β¦
12 β tpcds false false Adds TPC-DS data generation and β¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
13 β tpch false false Adds TPC-H data generation and qβ¦ Union{Missing, String}[]
julia> DBInterface.execute(con, "INSTALL httpfs")
ERROR: Execute of query "INSTALL httpfs" failed: HTTP Error: Failed to download extension "httpfs" at URL "http://extensions.duckdb.org/ae9bcc347c/linux_amd64/httpfs.duckdb_extension.gz"
Extension "httpfs" is an existing extension.
Are you using a development build? In this case, extensions might not (yet) be uploaded.
[1] execute(stmt::DuckDB.Stmt, params::NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}})
@ DuckDB ~/.julia/packages/DuckDB/PMwHV/src/result.jl:733
[2] execute
@ ~/.julia/packages/DuckDB/PMwHV/src/result.jl:834 [inlined]
[3] execute
@ ~/.julia/packages/DBInterface/1Gmxx/src/DBInterface.jl:130 [inlined]
[4] #execute#2
@ ~/.julia/packages/DBInterface/1Gmxx/src/DBInterface.jl:152 [inlined]
[5] execute(conn::DuckDB.DB, sql::String)
@ DBInterface ~/.julia/packages/DBInterface/1Gmxx/src/DBInterface.jl:152
[6] top-level scope
@ REPL[4]:1
I will say that I am enjoying using DuckDB but less-so with the Julia client. The CLI and the Python client are getting all of the love, so I have been using those for now.
Told you they were active. Theyβve already responded:
Thanks for the report! The latest version of the Julia client is currently on a different version which does not have extensions available unfortunately. We will resolve this when we release v0.8.0 next week.
This is great, but are you actually able to use the fts extension? If I try to activate it with DBInterface.execute(con, 'PRAGMA create_fts_index(β¦)') I get the following exception:
The issue is DBInterface.execute() is dispatched to the duckdb c api function to execute prepared statements, which is an issue for some query strings. Instead we can call the duckdb_query function which is a separate function in the c api. However, I donβt understand how a Julia user would expect to have that additional function mapped to the DBInterface function.