Can you have Julia in console mode and Juno and be able to open them both at the same time?
I require to use both
1.- Julia in cosola mode
2.- Juno (IDE)
How can I do it because I only have Julia in console mode and I want to install Juno, but I do not want Julia to configure me when I install Juno.
Sure, you have have a REPL open at the same time as you have IJulia running, but they aren’t the same Julia process, so they won’t share any state (like variables or functions in your workspace, or loaded packages).
que es el REPL?
como puedo hacer mi primer programa en Juno?
que es el REPL?
REPL is another name for the Julia console. It stands for Read-Eval-Print Loop.
Si te interesa tomar tus primeros pasos en Julia, hice un tutorial en español.
(I made a tutorial video in Spanish for Julia 1.0, you are welcome to watch it if you’re starting out.)
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