i have written a metropolis-hastings code for myself but it doesn’t quite give me the smoothest result that i want so i want to put the burn-in in it, maybe finding a good starting point will increase the efficiency, the code sample some vectors that and then i compute a probability of having a specific vector from the results of the code then compute the mean of these probability then plot it, so here’s my code and i’ll appreciate any suggestion to increase the efficiency of the code
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using Random
using QuantumRelay # A customized package
using SymPy
using CSV
using DataFrames
function relay_basis(alpha,delta,name::String,n) #n is the number of sources for 1 relay we have 2 sources
chi = fill(sqrt(0.06), n) # the parameter chi
phi = im*tanh.(chi)
omega = 1.0/prod(cosh.(chi))^2
syms, op = qrelay_op(n, phi, alpha, delta)
op_a, op_ab, mat, coef = op_mat(op)
op_q2 = [syms.apH[1], syms.apV[1], syms.bpH[end], syms.bpV[end]]
op_q1 = [syms.apH[2:end]..., syms.apV[2:end]..., syms.bpH[1:end-1]..., syms.bpV[1:end-1]...]
mask_q1 = [op in op_q1 for op in op_a];
mask_q2 = [op in op_q2 for op in op_a];
qq = [x in syms.apH || x in syms.bpV ? 1 : 0 for x in op_a]
pdet0 = pdet_maker(0.04, 1e-5)
qrs = QRelaySampler(mat, coef, omega, pdet0)
targetcache=Dict{Vector{Int}, Float64}()
logtarget(x::Vector)= log(qrs.prob(qq, x, mask_q1) * qrs.prob(x)) #the log target function of MCMC
dist= qrs.psetproposal #the proposal distribution, it takes a vector as an argument
Q = []
current_x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #the initial point
@time for i in 2:Iteration #from this line the MCMC algorithm starts
proposed_x= rand(dist(current_x))
C= min(1,a*exp(target(proposed_x)-target(current_x)))
if rand() < C
push!(selected, proposed_x)
push!(Q, qrs.prob(qq, proposed_x, mask_q2)) #computing the probability of getting qq knowing proposed_x
current_x = proposed_x
return selected, Q
i want to know how can i perform the burn-in inside this function?