Best of JuliaCon 2022 - Munich Social in-person

:spiral_calendar: Thursday 11th August :clock530: 17:30 CEST :round_pushpin:locally in Munich, MPI for Physics
The event is organized via meetup

Best of JuliaCon 2022 - Munich Social in-person
We are excited to host a local in-person meet-up to compile the best of this years Julia Conference 2022!
We are looking forward to connect with you in person again.

Free food :pretzel: and drinks :beers:!

Agenda 28. July
:clock430: 17:30 socializing
:clock6: 18:00 [Local Talk] Oliver Schulz: Julia in practice at the MPI for Physics
:clock5: 18:30 Best-of JuliaCon 2022: Exchange and restreaming
:clock630: Happy Hour: :partying_face::pretzel::beers:

:round_pushpin:We meet at the Max Planck Institute for Physics at Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München

Registration is required due to Corona.

Looking forward to meet you again in person!
Stephan Sahm and Oliver Schulz

supported by and MPI for Physics

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Today, our in-person Munich Social takes place!
Looking forward to see you

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