We’re happy to announce the third Auckland Julia meetup, taking place already this Wednesday, 14 April at 6:00pm (NZST), at the University of Auckland (Department of Physics, Building 303, Level 6, Room 610).
The meetup will feature a talk by Dr. Anthony Blaom (@ablaom) on the MLJ machine learning toolkit:
Multi-paradigm machine learning in Julia
MLJ.jl is a relatively mature toolbox written in Julia providing a common interface and meta-algorithms for selecting, tuning, evaluating, composing, controlling, and comparing over 150 machine learning models written in Julia and other languages. After recalling the main ideas and workflows in machine learning practice, I shall describe what some of the main priorities of the MLJ project have been, and give a brief demonstration.
While we’re lucky in that we can hold this event in person, we will also be streaming the meeting via Zoom – check the website for details on connecting. If you wish to attend, either in person or online, please sign up via the RSVP form.
We’re happy to announce the third Auckland Julia meetup, taking place already this Wednesday, 14 April at 6:00pm (NZST), at the University of Auckland.
The meetup will feature a talk by Dr. Anthony Blaom (@ablaom) on the MLJ machine learning toolkit:
Multi-paradigm machine learning in Julia
MLJ.jl is a relatively mature toolbox written in Julia providing a common interface and meta-algorithms for selecting, tuning, evaluating, composing, controlling, and comparing over 150 machine learning models written in Julia and other languages. After recalling the main ideas and workflows in machine learning practice, I shall describe what some of the main priorities of the MLJ project have been, and give a brief demonstration.
While we’re lucky in that we can hold this event in person, we will also be streaming the meeting via Zoom – check the website for details on connecting. If you wish to attend, either in person or online, please sign up via the RSVP form.