Tēnā koutou,
We’re happy to announce the second Auckland Julia meetup which will take place on Thursday, 21 January at 6:30pm, at Massey University (Albany campus).
The meetup will feature a talk by Dr. Ashton Bradley who will tell us about his experience of using Julia for teaching computational physics and for his research, with examples from his packages VortexDistributions.jl and PhaseSpaceTools.jl.
While we’re lucky in that we can hold this event in person, we will also be streaming the meeting via Zoom, with the Zoom link sent out to those who sign up. If you wish to attend, either in person or online, please sign up via the RSVP form.
Ngā mihi,
Morten, Ray (@yangmr04) and Oscar (@odow)
You can find more information about the New Zealand Julia Users Group here: https://julia-users-nz.github.io