In response to [Shout-out]: A shout-out for more shout-outs.
I’ve said it before and gonna say it again. Working in Pluto.jl
notebooks on a data analyses is insane. Productivity over 1000.
In response to [Shout-out]: A shout-out for more shout-outs.
I’ve said it before and gonna say it again. Working in Pluto.jl
notebooks on a data analyses is insane. Productivity over 1000.
I fully agree. I also really enjoyed creating and tuning plots with Makie.jl inside a Pluto notebook.
My current favorite is (in Pluto):
using Latexify, Unitful, UnitfulLatexify
A metal rod of length $(@latexrun L = $(1.5u"m"))
and mass $(@latexrun m = $(2u"kg")) was
rotated about its center of mass, giving a
moment of inertia $(@latexdefine I = 1//12*m*L^2).
This is frankly unreasonably smooth.
How did you get this number?
Thank you.
Good question