Anyone has a starter guide on finite element analysis?

After exploring several ideas, I think the idea I’m going to implement would be to simulate air pressure in a musical instrument or vocal tract to synthesize voice. I found finite-element method to be suitable for this application. I know that Gridap and Ferrite are the libraries for this application. Where do I start?
Some more informations.

  • I want to use it to build application on top, not implement it from scratch.
  • I have some level of understanding in differential equation, including partial differential equation and solvers, though I’m new when it comes to playing with them.

You already asked about this topic Can Julia make voice synthesizer using pressure simulation?

There are hundreds of books and courses on finite-element analysis if you were actually serious, and there is a lot of literature on “physical modeling” sound synthesis that is a google search away. But you would begin by understanding very basic physics, like a vibrating string, and basic numerical methods, and working up … essentially you’re talking about several years of university curriculum.

You have a history of announcing absurdly ambitious vaporware projects on this list (e.g. immersive cinematic games), and it’s hard to take you seriously. If you want to write actual software, you need to start smaller. e.g. find one existing software package of interest to you, and find an issue or small missing feature and fix it.


Yeah… I understand, that’s why I always call these my dream, or that I might do it, or that it could possibly be done, or whatever, and never did I promise to make anything, my ideas are just me trying (and oftentimes only in my thought without even reaching a stage where I’d get to write any code), because they won’t exist save for some miracle.

My life has been about playing, poking at the wall, banging my head at the wall, then crying when some simple analysis found out it’s harder than I originally thought.

Maybe I would have to add this to my pile of discarded ideas. It’s really big.

The reference below is by no means a “starter guide”, since it’s a research article and as such targets an audience which is assumed to be already familiar with numerical modeling, PDEs, finite elements… But it might give you an idea of what’s involved in the numerical simulation of a musical instrument (a guitar, in this instance):

PS: this work has been the topic of a PhD thesis, which might also give you an idea of the amount of work involved in it.


Whoa! This is no joke! I’m thinking I might be able to make a (n extremely) shoddy simulation at most.

Real physics ain’t easy!

Thankfully, in my years of playing around with making fantasy world, I’ve encountered this issue before. Solution? Make an entirely new physics system! Who said my simulated world has to obey real physics?