[ANN] "Programación básica con Julia"

I want to share with the community yet another guide to introduce programming in Julia… this one in Spanish: :shallow_pan_of_food: :slightly_smiling_face:


No fancy design; right now it is built with Documenter.jl because I’m lazy and the result is good enough to use it. Check the source in:


It mainly deals with very basic concepts of programming, passing over features that make Julia special like custom types or package development – although multiple dispatch is explained when dealing with functions. I hope that this is not too disappointing: such things are meant to be part of an “intermediate” guide that is not ready yet. On the other hand, it touches some points that I would not really call “basic”, as using Plots, debugging tools and a little bit about the VS Code extension, because they are the sort of thing that many people feel like toying around with from the outset, even before mastering other basic aspects.

¡Espero que lo disfruten!


Thank you very much!
It Will be a good resource for my students.
¡Muchas gracias @heliosdrm!


Very nice and detailed.
I am also interested at the way you implemented your workflow.
I saw you use GitHub, but then a different hosting service for the rendered html. Is there a reason why you don’t use GitHub pages? … I am thinking to migrate my own tutorial using GitHub pages…

There is no special reason for not using GitHub pages. Just that I’m already using that service for other materials that I share with my colleagues, so I put it there too.

Awesome learning material!! :clap: I’ll use it in lectures this year (Uruguay).

The guide could be added to this list: Julia in the classroom