I’d like to announce a package that I’ve been tinkering on for the past few months. It’s a response to frequently wanting to know more about the structure or nature of objects in Julia, whether that be:
How a struct is represented in-memory
How large an object is
How the bits of a number relate to its value
What the compiler knows about a function
and more.
The About package exports a single function about, that tells you about any object you pass to it. This makes heavy use of StyledStrings and JuliaSyntaxHighlighting to produce (what I consider to be) pretty outputs designed for human consumption (as opposed to the functions like fieldoffset that aren’t terribly informative at a glance).
The use of StyledStrings also makes the formatting used customisable, in that you can configure elements of the styling through the file ~/.julia/config/faces.toml (see: StyledStrings · Styled Strings).
It’s designed to be easily extendable by packages, which I invite to (when sensible) create package extensions that implement specialised memorylayout and elaboration methods
There’s a bit more I’d like it to do in due course, but I’m pretty happy with what it does now.
This is great, I’ll be using it all the time! I was briefly a bit confused when trying to compare the outputs of sum([1,2,3]) and sum((1,2,3)). If you want to about the tuple version, it seems you need to write:
about(sum, Tuple{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}})
or you’ll get the (nonexistant) information for sum(1,2,3).
I agree it looks fantastic. Though I think About.jl’s MPL-2.0 license would make it difficult to be adopted like that. Don’t want to derail this thread though, this was discussed recently in a different thread, specifically this post addresses adoption:
This is a little tricky, this seems annoying but I wrote this so it could also be used with the same signature as functions like methods and return_types in Base, as well as the “more convenient” form I demonstrated above.
Possibly, I’ve been thinking of adding an @about macro for fun, but the main roadblock is resolving whether an @about <func call> invocation should give information on the function called, or the result.
Thinking of cases like @about Float16(1.234) makes this harder to me.
Unfortunately this seems to fail when it is most needed, i.e. when datatypes have nontrivial (non C-compatible) layout.
This is especially unfortunate since, to my knowledge, the beyond-C layout rules in julialang are not documented, and there is no built-in introspection facility. Can someone from the core team correct me if I’m wrong on that?
The desired behavior should be to exhibit the true memory layout that is otherwise hard to figure out. This includes:
For every piece of information, we want to know where it is stored (“data of field X is here; a union-tag for X is there; a hidden implicit lock protecting protecting field xyz there”)
For every byte in the memory layout, we want to know where it belongs to (e.g. “structure padding”, “hidden implicit lock for field xyz”, “small-union-tag”)
If we can’t figure that out, it would be nice to have sanity checks. Then one can at least print a warning that the layout is likely imprecise.
(ceterum censeo, hidden locks for atomics suck – if it’s too large for lock cmpxchg16b then it should be boxed!)
This looks really good. It would be nice if some api existed to extract information instead of having it printed to the standard output.
At the moment I use this function to collect the number of bytes used by a reasonably complex data structure:
function allbytes(a)
T = typeof(a)
return if isbitstype(T)
return if fieldcount(T) == 0
if length(a) > 0
sum(allbytes(a[i]) for i in eachindex(a))
sum(allbytes(getfield(a, fieldname(T, i))) for i in 1:fieldcount(T))
Compared to About, allbytes simplifies by not considering the size of the record that represents the structure, only the size of the fields (arrays and vectors and such) , which is where most of the storage really is.
Also, I couldn’t get About to work with a sparse matrix. Or with a simpler case:
julia> struct A
julia> A([1.0, 2.0])
A([1.00000e+00, 2.00000e+00])
julia> a = A([1.0, 2.0])
A([1.00000e+00, 2.00000e+00])
julia> about(a)
A (<: Any), occupies 8B directly (referencing 64B in total)
T = A
(fieldname(T, i), fieldtype(T, i), hassizeof(fieldtype(T, i))) = (:v, Vector{Float64}, true)
ERROR: Type Array does not have a definite size.
[1] sizeof(x::Type)