Alternative to systune in Julia

Is there an alternative to the Matlab command systune in Julia?

systune tunes fixed-structure control systems subject to both soft and hard design goals. systune can tune multiple fixed-order, fixed-structure control elements distributed over one or more feedback loops.

The goal is the optimization of a fixed structure controller to design a robust flight controller in the context of an MSc thesis.

This is the closest alternative I’m aware of

I think JuliaSimControl is closed source. Could I as postdoc or my MSc student get a free licence? How would that work?

It’s free for academic use, see Using JuliaSim Packages Locally via the JuliaHub Registry · JuliaSim for installation instructions

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And a license for a start-up company? Would that be the same license as a JuliaHub license, or would a license for JuliaSim be something differently?

Can JuliaSim be used locally, or only in the cloud?

See the first sentence on the link above

To use JuliaSim packages on your local machine…

You’d have to contact sales for that, see info on the link above.

Please contact for purchasing information.

I contacted sales. Lets see what they say. If it is significantly cheaper than Matlab/ Simulink I would suggest it to startup companies. Of course there are other reasons than the price to use Julia and not Simulink, a major point is ModellingToolkit (MTK) which is very good.

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