Hello Everyone,
I want to compute the distance (SqEuclidean) of a new point (newP) from the existing neighboring points in a specific order. I have the following code:
newP=[x y z]
for i in eachindex(order)
Dist[i]=sum((Points[order[i], :]' - newP) .^ 2)
However, the above piece of code comparatively takes too much time and I would like to speed up this computation. Is there some way I can optimize this loop?
Thank you.
Please make an MWE and clarify what you mean by too much time.
Some potential low-hanging fruit could be removing allocations, using StaticArrays for your point vectors, and avoiding access to variables in global scope, but all of this is hard to tell without a working example.
Points=rand(Float64, (6700, 3))
newP=[0.2 0.3 0.4]
order=collect(1:6700) #order can be different but for simple example I use regular sequence here
for i in eachindex(order)
Dist[i]=sum((Points[order[i], :]' - newP) .^ 2)
I want to find Dist (distances) for a lot of newP so I want to speed up this computation in for loop (or rather not use for loop for fast performance)
I put the code you’d like to time in a function, so that it can be timed.
Making the identifiers (variables) const, increases performance in this case by a factor of ten.
Using @inbounds improves performance further by a few percent
const Points = rand(Float64, (6700, 3))
const newP = [0.2 0.3 0.4]
const order = collect(1:6700) #order can be different but for simple example I use regular sequence here
const Dist = zeros(size(order,1),1)
function fillDist()
@inbounds for i in eachindex(order)
Dist[i]=sum((Points[order[i], :]' - newP) .^ 2)
You can get another factor of two or more this way:
const newP2 = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
function fillDist2()
for i in eachindex(order)
Dist[i]=sum((Points[order[i], :] .- newP2) .^ 2)
Here, I have avoided doing a transpose. Also the .- and .^ are “fused” into a single loop, resulting in fewer allocations.
You get another factor of two by replacing the line in the loop by
@mcabbott Hello Michael,
Thank you for your response.
I am not able to implement the script using Tullio. When I run this code, I get the output as false.
I think you’re testing here whether zero (from two lines up) is approximately equal to a result. My code above ought to return true if you have already run yours – it check that each method is getting the same result as your loop wrote into Dist.