Action Required for HPC Workshop Participants (JuliaCon 2024)

Dear JuliaCon 2024 Workshops Participant,

The following information is relevant (and urgent) if you plan to attend the HPC workshop ( at JuliaCon 2024. (Otherwise, you can simply ignore this e-mail.)

To organize your access to the “Perlmutter" HPC cluster for the workshop, you need to sign up for a NERSC training account as soon as possible. To this end, please follow the instructions listed here:

Training code: See your email or contact @carstenbauer.

Please only register if you really plan to attend the workshop!

In case of questions or issues, feel free to reach out to me ( Otherwise, I’m looking forward to seeing you at JuliaCon!

Yours sincerely,


(On behalf of the JuliaCon 2024 Organizing Committee)