Hi Experts ,I’m just studing Julia But I’m in truble. Berrow 2D turblence simulation code is that I translated from Matlab is use too much memory. At my Simulation environment it use approx. 32 GB. I found some info about In-Line fft for saving memory. But It is not working well, I mean not saving memory. I would like to borrow your help. Sorry for my bad English
using FFTW
using Printf
using LinearAlgebra
using MAT
# set parameters
N = 128 ; # N*N grid,
dt = 0.02 ; # timestep
simutimeSeconds = 10 ;
HowOftenSave = 10 ; # save velocity field per 'HowOftenSave' timesteps
HowOftenVisu = 10 ; # show illustration per 'HowOftenVisu' timesteps
simutimeSteps = round(simutimeSeconds/dt);
nu = 1/1000 ; # kinematic viscosity [nu] = m^2/s
L = 2*pi ; # domain side length
dx = L/N ; # grid spacing assumed dx=dy
Umax = 1 ;
F_0 = 0.03 ;
# create fields
x = (L-dx)*(0:(N-1))/(N-1) ; # to be precise, dx is subtracted here
y = (L-dx)*(0:(N-1))/(N-1) ; # otherwise the derivative of e.g. sin(x) wouldnt be differentiable on this periodic grid
for jx=1:N
for ix=1:N
# wavenumbers
kx1 = mod.(1/2 .+ (0:(N-1))/N, 1) .- 1/2;
ky1 = mod.(1/2 .+ (0:(N-1))/N, 1) .- 1/2;
kx = kx1*(2*pi/dx); # wavenumbers
ky = ky1*(2*pi/dx); # wavenumbers
for jkx=1:N
for ikx=1:N
# Anti-aliasing filter based on the 2/3*kNyq rule
AA = (abs.(KX) .< (2/3) * maximum(kx)) .* (abs.(KY) .< (2/3) * maximum(ky))
# Runge-Kutta 4 coefficients
a=[1/6 1/3 1/3 1/6]; b=[1/2 1/2 1 1];
#-- Taylor-Green --#
kmax = 4;
U = -Umax .* cos.(kmax .* X) .* sin.(kmax .* Y)
V = Umax .* sin.(kmax .* X) .* cos.(kmax .* Y)
U = U + randn(N,N)*F_0;
V = V + randn(N,N)*F_0;
Uhat = fft(U)
Vhat = fft(V)
Uhat = Uhat - (KX .* Uhat + KY .* Vhat) .* KX ./ (KX .^ 2 + KY .^ 2)
Uhat[isnan.(Uhat)] .= 0
Vhat = Vhat - (KX .* Uhat + KY .* Vhat) .* KY ./ (KX .^ 2 + KY .^ 2)
Vhat[isnan.(Vhat)] .= 0
# U = p_ifft * Uhat;
# V = p_ifft * Vhat;
matwrite("uv0000.mat", Dict("Uhat" => U, "Vhat" => V))
dUdx = zeros(N, N)
dUdy = zeros(N, N)
dVdx = zeros(N, N)
dVdy = zeros(N, N)
dUconv = complex(zeros(N, N))
dVconv = complex(zeros(N, N))
dUdiff = complex(zeros(N, N))
dVdiff = complex(zeros(N, N))
dU = complex(zeros(N, N))
dV = complex(zeros(N, N))
Uc = complex(zeros(N, N))
Vc = complex(zeros(N, N))
Uold = complex(zeros(N, N))
Vold = complex(zeros(N, N))
p_fft_U = plan_fft(U; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_ifft_Uhat = plan_ifft(Uhat; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_fft_V = plan_fft(V; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_ifft_Vhat = plan_fft(Vhat; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_ifft_dUdx = plan_ifft((1im * KX .* AA .* Uc); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_ifft_dUdy = plan_ifft((1im * KY .* AA .* Uc); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_ifft_dVdx = plan_ifft((1im * KX .* AA .* Vc); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_ifft_dVdy = plan_ifft((1im * KY .* AA .* Vc); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_fft_dUconv = plan_fft((dt*(-U .* dUdx -V .* dUdy) / 2); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
p_fft_dVconv = plan_fft((dt*(-U .* dVdx -V .* dVdy) / 2); flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE)
# Navier-Stokes simulation begins
@time begin
for t=1:simutimeSteps
@printf("| Time step # %04d |\n",t)
Uold = Uhat;
Vold = Vhat;
Uc = Uhat;
Vc = Vhat;
for rk in 1:4
U = real.(p_ifft_Uhat*(AA .* Uc))
V = real.(p_ifft_Vhat*(AA .* Vc))
dUdx .= real.(p_ifft_dUdx * (1im * KX .* AA .* Uc));
dUdy .= real.(p_ifft_dUdy * (1im * KY .* AA .* Uc));
dVdx .= real.(p_ifft_dVdx * (1im * KX .* AA .* Vc));
dVdy .= real.(p_ifft_dVdy * (1im * KY .* AA .* Vc));
dUconv .= p_fft_dUconv*(dt*(-U .* dUdx -V .* dUdy) / 2);
dVconv .= p_fft_dVconv*(dt*(-U .* dVdx -V .* dVdy) / 2);
dUdiff .= nu * dt * ((-KX .* KX .* Uc) + (- KY .* KY .* Uc)) ;
dVdiff .= nu * dt * ((-KX .* KX .* Vc) + (- KY .* KY .* Vc)) ;
dU .= dUconv + dUdiff;
dV .= dVconv + dVdiff;
Uhat = Uhat-(KX.*Uhat + KY.*Vhat).*KX./(KX.^2 + KY.^2);
Uhat[isnan.(Uhat)] .= 0;
Vhat = Vhat-(KX.*Uhat + KY.*Vhat).*KY./(KX.^2 + KY.^2);
Vhat[isnan.(Vhat)] .= 0;
if rk < 4
Uhat = Uold + b[rk] * dU
Vhat = Vold + b[rk] * dV
Uc = Uc + a[rk] * dU;
Vc = Vc + a[rk] * dV;
Uhat = Uc
Vhat = Vc
Uhat = Uhat - ((KX .* Uhat + KY .* Vhat) .* KX ./ (KX .^ 2 + KY .^ 2))
Uhat[isnan.(Uhat)] .= 0
Vhat = Vhat - ((KX .* Uhat + KY .* Vhat) .* KY ./ (KX .^ 2 + KY .^ 2))
Vhat[isnan.(Vhat)] .= 0
U = real.(p_ifft_Uhat*Uhat);
V = real.(p_ifft_Vhat*Vhat);
# SaveInstantField2D
if mod(t, HowOftenSave) == 0
filename = "uv$(@sprintf("%04d", t)).mat"
matwrite(filename, Dict("U" => U, "V" => V))
It seems that you are running your code in global scope, which is terrible for performance and will lead to excessive allocations. Make sure that your code is wrapped in a function when you run it.
Also I’m not a differential equation expert but the references to “Runge-Kutta coefficients” in your code make me suspect that you are rolling your own rk4 implementation here? If that’s the case I would concur with Oscar’s advice in a thread a few weeks ago:
Thanks for the advice.
I have tried to enclose all code in functions.
However, nothing has changed.
Specifically, I wrapped everything from “Setparameter” to “SaveInstantFields2D” in functions.
Then call function for simulation.
I honestory want to run rk4 from DefferentialEquattion.jl. But my Lab’s rk4 code progression is little unique so I cannot write rk4 from pakkage…
There are a few performance gotaches in your code that can be easily addressed:
The FFT plans you created allocate extra memory whenever you apply them with the * operator. To avoid that you should preallocate storage for those results and use the mul! function to evalute the FFT into a buffer. This is mentioned in the docs here (which unfortunately are separated from the docs of FFTW.jl) API · AbstractFFTs.jl
I see you spliced in many . do broadcast operations, however, there are a few lines where you missed one or two. Perhaps consider the @. macro instead that automatically applies . to every operation in the expression it preceeds, see Arrays · The Julia Language
Try following the performance tips that were linked earlier. In particular try wrapping everything (including the non-constant parameters) into a function.
Try using a profiler like BenchmarkTools.jl, PProf.jl or ProfileView.jl to get detailed infos of where your code is bottlenecked.
I don’t believe this code is doing what it is supposed to do or at least it is horribly inefficient in what it tries to do. I put some annotations below.
To use inplace ffts, I think it is sufficient to append a “!” to your plan_fft calls.
To apply a plan with no allocations, you have two choices:
Use a pre-allocated output array and use mul!, e.g. mul!(output_array, p_ifft_dUdx, output_array, input_array)
Create an in-place plan with plan_fft!
Note that you have lots of other unnecessary memory allocations.
e.g. 1im * KX .* AA .* Uc allocates two arrays, one for 1im * KX and one for for the result of the other multiplications (since the 1im * operation is not fused, see e.g. the more dots blog post). If you want to make it fully allocation-free you would also want to pre-allocate the output, e.g. @. dUdx_fourier = 1im * KX * AA * Uc (@. makes it a lot more readable), then do dUdx .= real.(p_ifft_dUdx * dUdx_fourier) with your in-place plan (via plan_fft!).
complex(zeros(N, N)) allocates an array of real zeros, then allocates a new array of complex zeros. To use a single allocation, do zeros(ComplexF64, N, N).
dU .= dUconv + dUdiff allocates an array for the right hand side, because you didn’t use .+
Uhat = Uhat-(KX.*Uhat + KY.*Vhat).*KX./(KX.^2 + KY.^2) allocates, because you didn’t use .+ or .=. (Would have been clearer just to use @.)
Uhat[isnan.(Uhat)] .= 0 allocates an array for the result of isnan.(Uhat)
PS. There is no need for a semicolon (;) after every statement.
PPPS. In general, porting Matlab code line-by-line will result in suboptimal Julia code. You take full advantage of Julia by writing in a Julia style, not in a Matlab style.
PPPPS. If your FFT outputs are always real, i.e. your FFT inputs have conjugate symmetry, then you can save a factor of two in time and memory by using the rfft interface (where you only store the non-redundant half in the Fourier domain). This is a little trickier to work with, however, so I would put that off until you’ve gotten everything else going smoothly and have a better understanding of Julia.