I can't help but think debugging memory allocations shouldn't be this hard

I do julia --track-allocation=user b.jl
The relevant report here is:

How does this make sense?

I have proposed removing --track-lallocation since it is prone to false-positives.

I strongly recommend using the allocation profiler instead to gain insights.


I did use Profile.Alloc as well. It reported allocation as well, same spot.
Can’t make sense of it. Btw: @time reported allocations too. So I don’t think it can all be false positives.

Can you share the proof file? Maybe through https://pprof.me? Looking at what types are allocated might help with your question.

1 Like

Thank you for your generous offer. The profiling reported here is consistent with that of --track-allocation:

Unfortunately, I cannot upload the file because it is over the 2MB limit.
I made the file available here: Dropbox - alloc-profile.pb.gz - Simplify your life

Is there some scenario where memory would be allocated before the function updatecsmat! gets called? Because pprof does not even mention updatecsmat! among places where allocation occurs…

Ah yes, the issue is that PProf.jl didn’t store compressed data for the longest time. Version 3 will fix that.


Clicking on β€œSample” gives you two views β€œAllocs” and β€œSize” the former is the number of allocations, the latter how much memory was used.

This is the β€œsize” view. We allocate two buffers one of size 76.34MB and one of 7.64MB; then we are also boxing a bunch of integers.

You can walk the chain up and you see that the buffer allocations are coming from sparse operations in makematrix.

Flipping over to Allocs we see the number of allocations:

So why would Julia box an integer on a call-site?

code_typed/Cthulhu should tell you that, but my guess is that we either needed to box the return value or that one of the arguments to the function is despecialized and we pass it as a box.


I have a lot to learn in the pprof analysis interface! I did notice the boxing: hence my question about updatecsmat! at the call site! Thanks!

Hmm, I have used @code_warntype, with the following result:

MethodInstance for FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule._bilform_diffusion_general(::FinEtoolsHeatDiff.FEMMHeatDiffModule.FEMMHeatDiff{FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.IntegDomain{FinEtools.FESetModule.FESetT3{Int64}, typeof(FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.otherdimensionunity), FinEtools.IntegRuleModule.TriRule}, FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.MatHeatDiff{Float64, typeof(FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.tangentmoduli!), typeof(FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.update!)}}, ::FinEtools.AssemblyModule.SysmatAssemblerSparseSymm{Int64, Float64, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}, ::FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, Int64}, ::FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, Int64}, ::FinEtools.DataCacheModule.DataCache{Matrix{Float64}, FinEtools.DataCacheModule.var"#_fillcache_constant!#1"})                                                                                                       
  from _bilform_diffusion_general(self::FEMM, assembler::A, geom::FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{FT}, u::FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{T}, cf::DC) where {FEMM<:AbstractFEMM, A<:AbstractSysmatAssembler, FT, T, DC<:DataCache} @ FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule C:\Users\pkonl\Documents\00WIP\FinEtools.jl\src\FEMMBaseModule.jl:1486                                                
Static Parameters                                                                                                               
  FEMM = FinEtoolsHeatDiff.FEMMHeatDiffModule.FEMMHeatDiff{FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.IntegDomain{FinEtools.FESetModule.FESetT3{Int64}, typeof(FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.otherdimensionunity), FinEtools.IntegRuleModule.TriRule}, FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.MatHeatDiff{Float64, typeof(FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.tangentmoduli!), typeof(FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.update!)}}                                                                                                                
  A = FinEtools.AssemblyModule.SysmatAssemblerSparseSymm{Int64, Float64, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}                        
  FT = Float64                                                                                                                  
  T = Float64                                                                                                                   
  DC = FinEtools.DataCacheModule.DataCache{Matrix{Float64}, FinEtools.DataCacheModule.var"#_fillcache_constant!#1"}             
  self::FinEtoolsHeatDiff.FEMMHeatDiffModule.FEMMHeatDiff{FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.IntegDomain{FinEtools.FESetModule.FESetT3{Int64}, typeof(FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.otherdimensionunity), FinEtools.IntegRuleModule.TriRule}, FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.MatHeatDiff{Float64, typeof(FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.tangentmoduli!), typeof(FinEtoolsHeatDiff.MatHeatDiffModule.update!)}}                                                                                                                 
  assembler::FinEtools.AssemblyModule.SysmatAssemblerSparseSymm{Int64, Float64, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}                 
  geom::FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, Int64}                                                                   
  u::FinEtools.NodalFieldModule.NodalField{Float64, Int64}                                                                      
  cf::FinEtools.DataCacheModule.DataCache{Matrix{Float64}, FinEtools.DataCacheModule.var"#_fillcache_constant!#1"}              
  @_7::Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}                                                                                      
  @_30::Union{Nothing, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}                                                                                     
Body::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}                                                                              
1 ─        (fes = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.finite_elements(self))                                                               
β”‚   %2   = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule._buff_b(self, geom, u)::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Int64, Int64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}, Any[Core.Const(3), Int64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}])                                                                                            
β”‚   %3   = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 1)::Core.Const((3, 2))                                                                      
β”‚          (nne = Core.getfield(%3, 1))                                                                                         
β”‚          (@_11 = Core.getfield(%3, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %6   = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 2, @_11::Core.Const(2))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Any[Int64, Core.Const(3)]) 
β”‚          (ndn = Core.getfield(%6, 1))                                                                                         
β”‚          (@_11 = Core.getfield(%6, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %9   = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 3, @_11::Core.Const(3))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(4)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (ecoords = Core.getfield(%9, 1))                                                                                     
β”‚          (@_11 = Core.getfield(%9, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %12  = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 4, @_11::Core.Const(4))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Int64}, Any[Vector{Int64}, 
β”‚          (dofnums = Core.getfield(%12, 1))                                                                                    
β”‚          (@_11 = Core.getfield(%12, 2))                                                                                       
β”‚   %15  = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 5, @_11::Core.Const(5))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(6)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (loc = Core.getfield(%15, 1))                                                                                        
β”‚          (@_11 = Core.getfield(%15, 2))                                                                                       
β”‚   %18  = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 6, @_11::Core.Const(6))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(7)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (J = Core.getfield(%18, 1))                                                                                          
β”‚          (@_11 = Core.getfield(%18, 2))                                                                                       
β”‚   %21  = Base.indexed_iterate(%2, 7, @_11::Core.Const(7))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(8)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (gradN = Core.getfield(%21, 1))                                                                                      
β”‚   %23  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule._buff_e(self, geom, u, assembler)::Tuple{Int64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}           
β”‚   %24  = Base.indexed_iterate(%23, 1)::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Any[Int64, Core.Const(2)])                     
β”‚          (elmdim = Core.getfield(%24, 1))                                                                                     
β”‚          (@_10 = Core.getfield(%24, 2))                                                                                       
β”‚   %27  = Base.indexed_iterate(%23, 2, @_10::Core.Const(2))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(3)])                                                                                                            
β”‚          (elmat = Core.getfield(%27, 1))                                                                                      
β”‚          (@_10 = Core.getfield(%27, 2))                                                                                       
β”‚   %30  = Base.indexed_iterate(%23, 3, @_10::Core.Const(3))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Vector{Float64}, Core.Const(4)])                                                                                                            
β”‚          (elvec = Core.getfield(%30, 1))                                                                                      
β”‚   %32  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule._buff_d(self, geom, u)::Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}                             
β”‚   %33  = Base.indexed_iterate(%32, 1)::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(2)]) 
β”‚          (RmTJ = Core.getfield(%33, 1))                                                                                       
β”‚          (@_9 = Core.getfield(%33, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %36  = Base.indexed_iterate(%32, 2, @_9::Core.Const(2))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(3)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (c_gradNT = Core.getfield(%36, 1))                                                                                   
β”‚   %38  = Base.getproperty(self, :integdomain)::FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.IntegDomain{FinEtools.FESetModule.FESetT3{Int64}, typeof(FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.otherdimensionunity), FinEtools.IntegRuleModule.TriRule}                                      
β”‚   %39  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.integrationdata(%38)::Tuple{Int64, Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}                                                                                                      
β”‚   %40  = Base.indexed_iterate(%39, 1)::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Any[Int64, Core.Const(2)])                     
β”‚          (npts = Core.getfield(%40, 1))                                                                                       
β”‚          (@_8 = Core.getfield(%40, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %43  = Base.indexed_iterate(%39, 2, @_8::Core.Const(2))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Core.Const(3)])                                                                                             
β”‚          (Ns = Core.getfield(%43, 1))                                                                                         
β”‚          (@_8 = Core.getfield(%43, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %46  = Base.indexed_iterate(%39, 3, @_8::Core.Const(3))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Core.Const(4)])                                                                                             
β”‚          (gradNparams = Core.getfield(%46, 1))                                                                                
β”‚          (@_8 = Core.getfield(%46, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %49  = Base.indexed_iterate(%39, 4, @_8::Core.Const(4))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(5)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (w = Core.getfield(%49, 1))                                                                                          
β”‚          (@_8 = Core.getfield(%49, 2))                                                                                        
β”‚   %52  = Base.indexed_iterate(%39, 5, @_8::Core.Const(5))::Core.PartialStruct(Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Int64}, Any[Matrix{Float64}, Core.Const(6)])                                                                                                             
β”‚          (pc = Core.getfield(%52, 1))                                                                                         
β”‚   %54  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.size(elmat)::Tuple{Int64, Int64}                                                            
β”‚   %55  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.prod(%54)::Int64                                                                            
β”‚   %56  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.count(fes)::Int64                                                                           
β”‚   %57  = (%55 * %56)::Int64                                                                                                   
β”‚   %58  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.nalldofs(u)::Int64                                                                          
β”‚   %59  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.nalldofs(u)::Int64                                                                          
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.startassembly!(assembler, %57, %58, %59)                                                    
β”‚   %61  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.eachindex(fes)::Core.PartialStruct(UnitRange{Int64}, Any[Core.Const(1), Int64])             
β”‚          (@_7 = Base.iterate(%61))                                                                                            
β”‚   %63  = (@_7 === nothing)::Bool                                                                                              
β”‚   %64  = Base.not_int(%63)::Bool                                                                                              
└──        goto #7 if not %64                                                                                                   
2 β”„ %66  = @_7::Tuple{Int64, Int64}                                                                                             
β”‚          (i = Core.getfield(%66, 1))                                                                                          
β”‚   %68  = Core.getfield(%66, 2)::Int64                                                                                         
β”‚   %69  = ecoords::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                             
β”‚   %70  = Base.getproperty(fes, :conn)::Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}}                                                     
β”‚   %71  = Base.getindex(%70, i)::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}                                                                    
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.gathervalues_asmat!(geom, %69, %71)                                                         
β”‚   %73  = elmat::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                               
β”‚   %74  = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.zero($(Expr(:static_parameter, 4)))::Core.Const(0.00000e+00)                                
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.fill!(%73, %74)                                                                             
β”‚   %76  = (1:npts)::Core.PartialStruct(UnitRange{Int64}, Any[Core.Const(1), Int64])                                            
β”‚          (@_30 = Base.iterate(%76))                                                                                           
β”‚   %78  = (@_30 === nothing)::Bool                                                                                             
β”‚   %79  = Base.not_int(%78)::Bool                                                                                              
└──        goto #5 if not %79                                                                                                   
3 β”„ %81  = @_30::Tuple{Int64, Int64}                                                                                            
β”‚          (j = Core.getfield(%81, 1))                                                                                          
β”‚   %83  = Core.getfield(%81, 2)::Int64                                                                                         
β”‚   %84  = loc::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                 
β”‚   %85  = J::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                   
β”‚   %86  = ecoords::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                             
β”‚   %87  = Base.getindex(Ns, j)::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                
β”‚   %88  = Base.getindex(gradNparams, j)::Matrix{Float64}                                                                       
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.locjac!(%84, %85, %86, %87, %88)                                                            
β”‚   %90  = Base.getproperty(self, :integdomain)::FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.IntegDomain{FinEtools.FESetModule.FESetT3{Int64}, typeof(FinEtools.IntegDomainModule.otherdimensionunity), FinEtools.IntegRuleModule.TriRule}                                      
β”‚   %91  = J::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                   
β”‚   %92  = loc::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                 
β”‚   %93  = Base.getproperty(fes, :conn)::Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}}                                                     
β”‚   %94  = Base.getindex(%93, i)::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}                                                                    
β”‚   %95  = Base.getindex(Ns, j)::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                
β”‚          (Jac = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.Jacobianvolume(%90, %91, %92, %94, %95))                                             
β”‚   %97  = Base.getproperty(self, :mcsys)::FinEtools.CSysModule.CSys                                                            
β”‚   %98  = loc::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                 
β”‚   %99  = J::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                   
β”‚   %100 = i::Int64                                                                                                             
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.updatecsmat!(%97, %98, %99, %100, j)                                                        
β”‚   %102 = RmTJ::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                
β”‚   %103 = Base.getproperty(self, :mcsys)::FinEtools.CSysModule.CSys                                                            
β”‚   %104 = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.csmat(%103)::Matrix{T} where T<:Number                                                      
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.mulCAtB!(%102, %104, J)                                                                     
β”‚   %106 = fes::FinEtools.FESetModule.FESetT3{Int64}                                                                            
β”‚   %107 = gradN::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                               
β”‚   %108 = Base.getindex(gradNparams, j)::Matrix{Float64}                                                                       
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.gradN!(%106, %107, %108, RmTJ)                                                              
β”‚          (c = (cf)(loc, J, i, j))                                                                                             
β”‚   %111 = elmat::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                               
β”‚   %112 = gradN::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                               
β”‚   %113 = Jac::Float64                                                                                                         
β”‚   %114 = Base.getindex(w, j)::Float64                                                                                         
β”‚   %115 = (%113 * %114)::Float64                                                                                               
β”‚   %116 = c::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                   
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.add_gkgt_ut_only!(%111, %112, %115, %116, c_gradNT)                                         
β”‚          (@_30 = Base.iterate(%76, %83))                                                                                      
β”‚   %119 = (@_30 === nothing)::Bool                                                                                             
β”‚   %120 = Base.not_int(%119)::Bool                                                                                             
└──        goto #5 if not %120                                                                                                  
4 ─        goto #3                                                                                                              
5 β”„        FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.complete_lt!(elmat)                                                                         
β”‚   %124 = dofnums::Vector{Int64}                                                                                               
β”‚   %125 = Base.getproperty(fes, :conn)::Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}}                                                     
β”‚   %126 = Base.getindex(%125, i)::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}                                                                   
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.gatherdofnums!(u, %124, %126)                                                               
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.assemble!(assembler, elmat, dofnums, dofnums)                                               
β”‚          (@_7 = Base.iterate(%61, %68))                                                                                       
β”‚   %130 = (@_7 === nothing)::Bool                                                                                              
β”‚   %131 = Base.not_int(%130)::Bool                                                                                             
└──        goto #7 if not %131                                                                                                  
6 ─        goto #2                                                                                                              
7 β”„ %134 = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.makematrix!(assembler)::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}                        
└──        return %134                                                                                                          

In particular, I see

%100 = i::Int64                                                                                                             
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.updatecsmat!(%97, %98, %99, %100, j)  

There is no boxing as far as I can tell?

The julia code is:

function _bilform_diffusion_general(
) where {FEMM<:AbstractFEMM,A<:AbstractSysmatAssembler,FT,T,DC<:DataCache}
    fes = finite_elements(self)
    nne, ndn, ecoords, dofnums, loc, J, gradN = _buff_b(self, geom, u)
    elmdim, elmat, elvec = _buff_e(self, geom, u, assembler)
    RmTJ, c_gradNT = _buff_d(self, geom, u)
    npts, Ns, gradNparams, w, pc = integrationdata(self.integdomain)
    startassembly!(assembler, prod(size(elmat)) * count(fes), nalldofs(u), nalldofs(u))
    for i in eachindex(fes) # Loop over elements
        gathervalues_asmat!(geom, ecoords, fes.conn[i])
        fill!(elmat, zero(T)) # Initialize element matrix
        for j  in  1:npts # Loop over quadrature points
            locjac!(loc, J, ecoords, Ns[j], gradNparams[j])
            Jac = Jacobianvolume(self.integdomain, J, loc, fes.conn[i], Ns[j])
            updatecsmat!(self.mcsys, loc, J, i, j)
            mulCAtB!(RmTJ, csmat(self.mcsys), J) # local Jacobian matrix
            gradN!(fes, gradN, gradNparams[j], RmTJ)
            c = cf(loc, J, i, j)
            add_gkgt_ut_only!(elmat, gradN, (Jac * w[j]), c, c_gradNT)
        end # Loop over quadrature points
        gatherdofnums!(u, dofnums, fes.conn[i])# retrieve degrees of freedom
        assemble!(assembler, elmat, dofnums, dofnums)# assemble symmetric matrix
    end # Loop over elements
    return makematrix!(assembler)

I know that it is an imposition to ask for an opinion, but perhaps you can see without needing to dig in?

β”‚   %97  = Base.getproperty(self, :mcsys)::FinEtools.CSysModule.CSys                                                            

This doesn’t look to be concrete β€” CSys has two parameters, no?


It does. But this is the definition of the self:

mutable struct FEMMBase{ID<:IntegDomain, CS<:CSys} <: AbstractFEMM
    integdomain::ID # domain data
    mcsys::CS # updater of the material orientation matrix

So, wouldn’t the type be known?

Also, I seem to have trouble with many allocations of integers (boxing).

That’s not the type of self:

There mcsys isn’t parameterized.


OMG. I forgot to update here. Thanks!

1 Like

Also telling is:

%103 = Base.getproperty(self, :mcsys)::FinEtools.CSysModule.CSys                                                             %104 = FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.csmat(%103)::Matrix{T} where T<:Number                                                      

Since the eltype of the Matrix is unknown.

But: why did the profiling report boxing of integers?

Because due to the type of %100 being abstract,

 %97  = Base.getproperty(self, :mcsys)::FinEtools.CSysModule.CSys                                                            
β”‚   %98  = loc::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                 
β”‚   %99  = J::Matrix{Float64}                                                                                                   
β”‚   %100 = i::Int64                                                                                                             
β”‚          FinEtools.FEMMBaseModule.updatecsmat!(%97, %98, %99, %100, j)          

You likely ended up with a different calling-convention that requires all arguments to be boxed.

You can normally see that with @code_llvm.

1 Like

I see. But there was only a mention of the integers, nothing about boxing matrices. I will check out what you suggested. Thanks.

The type information of CSys being unavailable would cause a slower way of calling updatecsmat! which requires all the integers to be boxed. The array is already a boxed value.

Ah, I forgot about that!