Φ(−600) = 6.546588 205807 692852 105927 713888 108782 119412 831853 177211 16943e − 78177

The paper Approximations to the Normal Distribution Function and An Extended Table for the Mean Range of the Normal Variables by Kiani, M and Panaretos, J and Psarakis, S and Saleem, M (2008) reviews algorithms for computing the CDF of the univariate Normal distribution. Then they develop some new approximations.

From use of their new approximations, we learn that:

Φ(−600) = 6.54658820580769285210592771388810878211941283185317721116943e − 78177

This required them to compute 1080 terms of their series approximation.

Now Julia:

julia> sn=Normal(BigFloat("0.0"),BigFloat("1.0"))
Normal{BigFloat}(μ=0.0, σ=1.0)

julia> cdf(sn,-600)

How did Julia do it?

Best I can figure out, the univariate Normal CDF is computed using the error function from the GNU MFPR library. Apparently it just keeps going until all the bits of BigFloat accurate.


In Base Julia:

function my_erfc(x::BigFloat)
   z = BigFloat()
   ccall((:mpfr_erfc, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Int32), z, x, Base.MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[])
   return z


(adapting code from IrrationalConstants, StatsFuns and SpecialFunctions)

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Yup, and MPFR uses an asymptotic series for the complementary error function of large arguments (whenever x^2 \ge p \log2, where p is the precision), which converges fairly quickly in this regime.

e.g. you get a decent approximation with only two terms:

julia> my_erfc_asympt(z) = (1 - 1/2z^2) * exp(-z^2) / (√π*z)
my_erfc_asympt (generic function with 1 method)

julia> setprecision(52)

julia> my_erfc_asympt(big(600.0)*inv(sqrt(big(2))))/2

Thank you for posting the expression used. I had tried to find it, but never found the right path to drill down to it.