February 15, 2021, 11:24am
Hi all,
I currently have some code which reads in a csv and does some manipulation and I want to then output my new dataframe in a specific order by column.
Currently I have column headers from the input:
Country, Region, Currency, Capital
And i would like to write these out as:
Currency, Region, Currency, Capital
Is there a way to do this within the write function?
I tried reading in the columns as I wanted them output using select but that just wrote them in the same order they were in the input.
thanks in advance!
select!(df, [:Currency, :Region, :Country, :Capital])
Write DataFrame to CSV
taken from How do I change the order of columns in a Julia DataFrame? - Stack Overflow after a 5 second internet search.
Does this answer your question?
If you donβt want to replace the existing DataFrame, just use select()
instead of select!()
and pipe it into the CSV write function.
Sorry but the procedure just works as expected:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> df = DataFrame(a = rand(5), b = rand(5)) # create random df
5Γ2 DataFrame
Row β a b
β Float64 Float64
1 β 0.51397 0.897642
2 β 0.242787 0.562512
3 β 0.733361 0.68564
4 β 0.0689889 0.59266
5 β 0.579379 0.527535
julia> select!(df, [:b, :a]) # inplace
5Γ2 DataFrame
Row β b a
β Float64 Float64
1 β 0.897642 0.51397
2 β 0.562512 0.242787
3 β 0.68564 0.733361
4 β 0.59266 0.0689889
5 β 0.527535 0.579379
julia> select(df, [:a, :b]) # copy
5Γ2 DataFrame
Row β a b
β Float64 Float64
1 β 0.51397 0.897642
2 β 0.242787 0.562512
3 β 0.733361 0.68564
4 β 0.0689889 0.59266
5 β 0.579379 0.527535
The resulting DataFrame can simply be used in the desired CSV write function then (also available via piping/chaining) and deliver the desired results.
Maybe this more explicit example better helps OP to understand what has to be done.
February 23, 2021, 3:17pm
Thanks for the replies both, I had done something silly with the dataframe and the select function worked fine!
Will get this some day