I think this is a good need and something I’ve often wanted in DataFrames.jl. For example, if the following methods existed, they would maybe solve your problem:
julia> using Permutations
julia> df = DataFrame(x=1, a=2, y=3, b=4, z=5)
1×5 DataFrame
Row │ x a y b z
│ Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64
1 │ 1 2 3 4 5
julia> select(df, collect(Transposition(ncol(df), columnindex(df, :a), columnindex(df, :b))))
1×5 DataFrame
Row │ x b y a z
│ Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64
1 │ 1 4 3 2 5
Clearly this is not super convenient and requires extra package.
In fact, we have an internal implementation of efficient permutation handling using cycle notation, it is just not exposed.
Could you open an issue with a description of a functionality that would be requested? (in particular I am not sure if what @pdeffebach is needed or rather a support for specifying cycles in a general permutation?)
function swap!(df, pair::Pair{Int, Int})
range = 1:size(df,2)
if !(pair[1] in range) || !(pair[2] in range) error("Inds not in range") end
inds = collect(1:size(df,2))
@inbounds inds[pair[1]], inds[pair[2]] = inds[pair[2]], inds[pair[1]]
select!(df, inds)
for example like this, if you have a dataframe with 5 columns and you want to swap 4 and 5 or permute in a more generic way (may be not in a random way)
select!(df, permute!(names(df), [1,2,3,5,4]))
using Random
select!(df, permute!(names(df), shuffle(1:5)))
I don’t want to offer this as a solution to the problem, but it’s just a snippet so I can ask a specific question.
It would be possible and would make sense to implement a function of the requested type
function color order!(df, old_order .=> new_order)
internally, along the following lines?
julia> using DataFrames
julia> m='A':'C'
julia> sc=10:10:30
julia> lt=1:3
julia> df=DataFrame(;m,sc,lt)
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ m sc lt
│ Char Int64 Int64
1 │ A 10 1
2 │ B 20 2
3 │ C 30 3
julia> DataFrames.index(df).lookup[:m]=2
julia> DataFrames.index(df).lookup[:sc]=1
julia> DataFrames.index(df).names.=[:sc,:m,:lt]
3-element Vector{Symbol}:
julia> df
3×3 DataFrame
Row │ sc m lt
│ Char Int64 Int64
1 │ A 10 1
2 │ B 20 2
3 │ C 30 3