I did a quick implementation of MSD string radixsort in C (btw most C radixsort found on google were “joke” implementations mostly) and it was slow compared to the implementation in Julia. So not very useful as a benchmark since it’s so unoptimised. I also found this lecture which contains some useful algorithms to try.
Here is how I am calling the C radixsort in Julia
cradixsort(x) = ccall(
pointer(x), length(x)
const M = 100_000_000; const K = 100;
svec = rand(["id"*dec(k,10) for k in 1:M÷K], M);
# yy = svec[1:2_000_000];
@time cradixsort(svec) # 2.5 minutes
using FastGroupBy
@time radixsort!(svec) # 18 seconds