I have updated the package to support Julia v1. There is no-intention of supporting Julia v0.6.
Example usage
using SortingLab;
import Test: @test
N = 1_000_000;
K = 100;
# faster string sort
svec = rand("id".*string.(1:N÷K, pad=10), N);
svec_sorted = radixsort(svec);
issorted(svec_sorted) # true
issorted(svec) # false
# faster string sortperm
sorted_idx = fsortperm(svec)
issorted(svec[sorted_idx]) #true
# in place string sort
issorted(svec) # true
# CategoricalArray sort
using CategoricalArrays
pools = "id".*string.(1:100,3);
byvec = CategoricalArray{String, 1}(rand(UInt32(1):UInt32(length(pools)), N), CategoricalPool(pools, false));
byvec = compress(byvec);
byvec_sorted = fsort(byvec);
@test issorted(byvec_sorted)
# in place CategoricalArray sort
@test issorted(byvec)