Motivated by LilithHafner s work to add radix sorting to Julia 1.9 and the resulting performance improvements of sort(), I did some tests to see if sortperm() could be sped up as well.
To test this, I implemented different ways to sort a vector of UInt64s and compared their performance:
standard sort() as a performance reference
- standard sortperm()
- If I am not mistaken, this uses the Quickersort similar to Quicksort so sort the indices with a comparison function that looks up the values for each comparison.
packed sortperm
- Pack indices and values into Uint128 vector.
- Sort using sort!() (uses radix sort).
- Unpack indices.
packed sortperm 2
- Pack indices and values into Uint128 vector.
- Sort using custom radix sort, that skips the lowest 64 bits, as the indices are already sorted.
- Unpack indices.
radix sortperm by reference
- Sort indices using custom radix sort, that looks up the value for each index during each radix pass.
All radix sorts are minimal modifications of the LSD radix sort in Julia 1.9.
The Benchmarks are run on Win 10 with an AMD 3900x with DDR4-3600 (Julia version 1.9.0-beta2 7daffeecb8).
- Both sorting methods which sort by reference see a significant drop in performance for vectors of more than about 10^6 elements, which roughly corresponds to the size of the L3 cache (directly accessible from one core).
- Radix sort by reference is the slowest option for big inputs, but the fastest for small ones.
- Packed sortperm using radix sort can achieve up to 10x speedup for large datasets, with the optimized version skipping half the bits about twice as fast as the basic version.
I don’t know if it would be worth it to include something like this in the standard library, especially because this packed version uses twice the memory, but I wanted to share my results nonetheless.
Here is my (ugly) code, modified to run up to vectors of size 10^7 (10^9 needs 64GB of RAM):
using Random
import Plots
mypack(a,b) = UInt128(a)<<64 + UInt128(b)
function my_radix_sort!(v::AbstractVector{U}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer, bits::Unsigned,
t::AbstractVector{U}, offset::Integer,
shift,chunk_size) where U <: Unsigned
# bits is unsigned for performance reasons.
counts = Vector{Int}(undef, 1 << chunk_size + 1) # TODO use scratch for this
while true
@noinline my_radix_sort_pass!(t, lo, hi, offset, counts, v, shift, chunk_size)
# the latest data resides in t
shift += chunk_size
shift < bits || return false
@noinline my_radix_sort_pass!(v, lo+offset, hi+offset, -offset, counts, t, shift, chunk_size)
# the latest data resides in v
shift += chunk_size
shift < bits || return true
function my_radix_sort_pass!(t, lo, hi, offset, counts, v, shift, chunk_size)
mask = UInt(1) << chunk_size - 1 # mask is defined in pass so that the compiler
@inbounds begin # ↳ knows it's shape
# counts[2:mask+2] will store the number of elements that fall into each bucket.
# if chunk_size = 8, counts[2] is bucket 0x00 and counts[257] is bucket 0xff.
counts .= 0
for k in lo:hi
x = v[k] # lookup the element
i = (x >> shift)&mask + 2 # compute its bucket's index for this pass
counts[i] += 1 # increment that bucket's count
counts[1] = lo # set target index for the first bucket
cumsum!(counts, counts) # set target indices for subsequent buckets
# counts[1:mask+1] now stores indices where the first member of each bucket
# belongs, not the number of elements in each bucket. We will put the first element
# of bucket 0x00 in t[counts[1]], the next element of bucket 0x00 in t[counts[1]+1],
# and the last element of bucket 0x00 in t[counts[2]-1].
for k in lo:hi
x = v[k] # lookup the element
i = (x >> shift)&mask + 1 # compute its bucket's index for this pass
j = counts[i] # lookup the target index
t[j + offset] = x # put the element where it belongs
counts[i] = j + 1 # increment the target index for the next
end # ↳ element in this bucket
function packedsortperm(v)
tups = Vector{UInt128}(undef, length(v))
for idx = 1:length(v)
tups[idx] = mypack(v[idx],idx)
Int.(tups .& 0xffffffff)
function packedsortperm2(v)
tups = Vector{UInt128}(undef, length(v))
for idx = 1:length(v)
tups[idx] = mypack(v[idx],idx)
t = Vector{UInt128}(undef, length(v))
flag = my_radix_sort!(tups, 1, length(v), UInt(128), t, UInt(0), 64, UInt8(10))
if flag
return Int.(tups .& 0xffffffff)
return Int.(t .& 0xffffffff)
function my_radix_sort_pass_by_reference!(t, lo, hi, offset, counts, v, shift, chunk_size,key)
mask = UInt(1) << chunk_size - 1 # mask is defined in pass so that the compiler
@inbounds begin # ↳ knows it's shape
# counts[2:mask+2] will store the number of elements that fall into each bucket.
# if chunk_size = 8, counts[2] is bucket 0x00 and counts[257] is bucket 0xff.
counts .= 0
for k in lo:hi
x = v[k] # lookup the element
i = (key[x] >> shift)&mask + 2 # compute its bucket's index for this pass
counts[i] += 1 # increment that bucket's count
counts[1] = lo # set target index for the first bucket
cumsum!(counts, counts) # set target indices for subsequent buckets
# counts[1:mask+1] now stores indices where the first member of each bucket
# belongs, not the number of elements in each bucket. We will put the first element
# of bucket 0x00 in t[counts[1]], the next element of bucket 0x00 in t[counts[1]+1],
# and the last element of bucket 0x00 in t[counts[2]-1].
for k in lo:hi
x = v[k] # lookup the element
i = (key[x] >> shift)&mask + 1 # compute its bucket's index for this pass
j = counts[i] # lookup the target index
t[j + offset] = x # put the element where it belongs
counts[i] = j + 1 # increment the target index for the next
end # ↳ element in this bucket
function my_radix_sort_by_reference!(v::AbstractVector{U}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer, bits::Unsigned,
t::AbstractVector{U}, offset::Integer,
shift,chunk_size,key) where U <: Unsigned
# bits is unsigned for performance reasons.
counts = Vector{Int}(undef, 1 << chunk_size + 1) # TODO use scratch for this
while true
@noinline my_radix_sort_pass_by_reference!(t, lo, hi, offset, counts, v, shift, chunk_size,key)
# the latest data resides in t
shift += chunk_size
shift < bits || return false
@noinline my_radix_sort_pass_by_reference!(v, lo+offset, hi+offset, -offset, counts, t, shift, chunk_size,key)
# the latest data resides in v
shift += chunk_size
shift < bits || return true
function radixsortperm(v)
idxs = UInt.(collect(1:length(v)))
t = Vector{UInt64}(undef, length(v))
flag = my_radix_sort_by_reference!(idxs, 1, length(v), UInt(64), t, UInt(0), 0, UInt8(10),v)
if flag
return Int.(idxs)
return Int.(t)
function sortpermbench(sizes)
nSamples = length(sizes)
t = zeros(nSamples,5)
for (idx,n) in enumerate(sizes)
v = rand(UInt64,n)
v1 = copy(v)
t[idx,1] = @elapsed v2 = sort(v1)
v1 = copy(v)
t[idx,2] = @elapsed p2 = sortperm(v1)
v1 = copy(v)
t[idx,3] = @elapsed p3 = packedsortperm(v1)
v1 = copy(v)
t[idx,4] = @elapsed p4 = packedsortperm2(v1)
v1 = copy(v)
t[idx,5] = @elapsed p5 = radixsortperm(v1)
@assert p2 == p3
@assert p2 == p4
@assert p2 == p5
biasExp = 6
sizes = convert.(Int,round.(10 .^ (range(2^(1/biasExp),9^(1/biasExp),250)).^biasExp)) |> shuffle
t = sortpermbench(sizes)
Plots.scatter(sizes,sizes./t,xaxis=:log,yaxis=:log,xlabel="Input Size / Elements",ylabel= "Elements / Second",label=["sort" "sortperm" "packed sortperm" "packed sortperm 2" "radix sortperm by reference"],legend=:bottomleft,xticks=10.0 .^ (2:7),minorticks=10)
Plots.ylims!(1e6, 1e8)
Plots.hline([1], color=:black,lw=2,label="sortperm")
Plots.hline!([1], color=:black,lw=1,label=nothing)
Plots.scatter!(sizes,t[:,2]./t[:,3:5],xaxis=:log,xlabel="Input Size / Elements",ylabel= "Speedup vs sortperm",label=["packed sortperm" "packed sortperm 2" "radix sortperm by reference"],legend=:topleft,xticks=10.0 .^ (2:7),minorticks=10,alpha = 1.0)
Plots.ylims!(0, 12)
Plots.xlims!(1e2, 1e7)