Why is automerge failing

Hi all,

I’m trying to submit a minor version increment for my registered package ForecastEval. Unfortunately automerge keeps failing. The PR to JuliaRegistries is here.

Originally, I could see from the output that automerge was failing due to compat issues. Specifically, I hadn’t specified a version upper bound for some of the dependencies. However, now I think I have fixed those issues, and they no longer show up as errors in the automerge output, but automerge is still failing.

You can see the log files at the above link, but the relevant bit of output is:

ERROR: RegistryCI.AutoMerge.AutoMergeGuidelinesNotMet("The automerge guidelines were not met.")
 [1] #pull_request_build#90(::GitHub.OAuth2, ::Array{String,1}, ::String, ::String, ::Bool, ::String, ::typeof(RegistryCI.AutoMerge.pull_request_build), ::RegistryCI.AutoMerge.NewVersion, ::GitHub.PullRequest, ::String, ::GitHub.Repo) at /home/runner/.julia/packages/RegistryCI/roAff/src/AutoMerge/new-version.jl:172
 [2] #pull_request_build at /home/runner/.julia/packages/RegistryCI/roAff/src/AutoMerge/util.jl:0 [inlined]
 [3] #pull_request_build#106(::GitHub.OAuth2, ::Array{String,1}, ::String, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::String, ::typeof(RegistryCI.AutoMerge.pull_request_build), ::GitHub.PullRequest, ::String, ::GitHub.Repo, ::String) at /home/runner/.julia/packages/RegistryCI/roAff/src/AutoMerge/pull-requests.jl:84
 [4] #pull_request_build at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [5] #pull_request_build#103(::String, ::GitHub.OAuth2, ::Array{String,1}, ::String, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::typeof(RegistryCI.AutoMerge.pull_request_build), ::Int64, ::String, ::GitHub.Repo, ::String) at /home/runner/.julia/packages/RegistryCI/roAff/src/AutoMerge/pull-requests.jl:40
 [6] #pull_request_build at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [7] #run#18(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Day, ::Minute, ::Minute, ::Minute, ::String, ::Array{String,1}, ::Array{String,1}, ::Array{String,1}, ::String, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::typeof(RegistryCI.AutoMerge.run), ::Base.EnvDict, ::RegistryCI.AutoMerge.GitHubActions) at /home/runner/.julia/packages/RegistryCI/roAff/src/AutoMerge/public.jl:47
 [8] (::RegistryCI.AutoMerge.var"#kw##run")(::NamedTuple{(:merge_new_packages, :merge_new_versions, :new_package_waiting_period, :new_jll_package_waiting_period, :new_version_waiting_period, :new_jll_version_waiting_period, :registry, :authorized_authors, :suggest_onepointzero, :additional_statuses, :additional_check_runs),Tuple{Bool,Bool,Day,Minute,Minute,Minute,String,Array{String,1},Bool,Array{String,1},Array{String,1}}}, ::typeof(RegistryCI.AutoMerge.run), ::Base.EnvDict, ::RegistryCI.AutoMerge.GitHubActions) at ./none:0 (repeats 2 times)
 [9] top-level scope at none:1
##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.

Note, looking at the rest of the log-file, the only line that looks concerning is this one:

┌ Info: If it is a patch release, then it does not narrow the Julia compat range
│   meets_this_guideline = false
└   message = "A patch release is not allowed to narrow the supported ranges of Julia versions. The ranges have changed from Pkg.Types.VersionRange[VersionRange(\"0.7-1\")] (in 1.0.0) to 

EDIT: Alright, I’ve now got it saying this:

┌ Info: If it is a patch release, then it does not narrow the Julia compat range
│   meets_this_guideline = false
└   message = "A patch release is not allowed to narrow the supported ranges of Julia versions. The ranges have changed from Pkg.Types.VersionRange[VersionRange(\"0.7-1\")] (in 1.0.0) to Pkg.Types.VersionRange[VersionRange(\"0.7\"), VersionRange(\"1\")] (in 1.0.1)."

My compat line for julia is julia = "0.7, 1". I’m assuming this violates something somehow…

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



This is a bug in the General registry.

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Understood, thanks for responding.