Hi, not sure if this the correct place for this topic but here goes.
We are using Julia in our projects and are in the process of updating our codes from 0.5.2 and 0.6.4 to 1.*. I see that 1.0.3 is the long-term support version, and 1.1 is the current stable one. Which one would be better to go with?
We’d like the packages and the functions within of the packages to stay the same for a long time, as we would use part of this code only occassionally (once/twice a year) but periodically. In earlier versions we had problems with packages and had to pin them, and some earlier versions of packages were no longer updated by their owners since they had moved on to a newer version of Julia etc. which caused some issues.
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This post discusses the difference between releases.
If you’re relying on other packages being updated, I guess you’ll have to go with whatever version the package developers are working on. My feeling is this would be 1.1, but I don’t know how many projects would also backport to 1.0.*, or keep their packages compatible with both.
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Note that the package manager has changed significantly, so this should no longer be an issue: if you keep your Manifest.toml file, you should always get exactly the same versions of packages.
This sounds like the intended use case for going with the long-term support version. Also, packages should continue working with your 1.0-compliant code, as minor versions in the post-1.0 world should be non-breaking (IIUC).