I want to keep the backup files because I am asked to keep the old versions of the updated code, but I also don’t want to host them in Github pages so I placed them in .gitignore. But where did they go?
I created a move.sh file like the following to keep the backup files but it didn’t work.
for file in *jl.bak; do
if [ -e “$file” ]; then
mv “file" ".backups/{file%.bak}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).bak”
Where are the backup files generated by Pluto when I update the notebook?
That’s what version control (Git, in this case) is for. You don’t need backup files if you’re doing proper version control. You certainly don’t want the backup files in version control.
Thanks for the clarification. I am not very familiar with Git, so with the Git version check will I be able to work with the exact old version of the Pluto notebook? Like the exact .jl file. That may be why I consider the backup files generated by Pluto because it seems practical.