When to use sizehint! for Dict?

Benchmarking shows that using sizehint! to match the expected number of Dict elements is best in almost all cases, except when the number of elements is at or near 10^5. Both 10^4 and 10^6 prefer sizehint!, but 10^5 strangely does not. This is a reproducible result on my system.

using BenchmarkTools

function bench_hint(n)
    @belapsed for i in 1:$n d[i] = i end setup = (
        d = Dict{Int, Int}();
        sizehint!(d, $n)

function bench_no_hint(n)
    @belapsed for i in 1:$n d[i] = i end setup = (
        d = Dict{Int, Int}()

#------- Interactive below ------------

# Run all benchmarks
julia> times = [(n, bench_no_hint(n), bench_hint(n)) for i in 1:8 for n = 10^i]
8-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64,Float64},1}:
 (10, 7.12299794661191e-8, 7.120739219712526e-8)     
 (100, 7.839081632653062e-7, 7.760636363636364e-7)   
 (1000, 1.2393333333333334e-5, 1.1199333333333335e-5)
 (10000, 0.000221074, 0.000163545)                   
 (100000, 0.002791825, 0.003224295)  # <- Unexpected
 (1000000, 0.088250659, 0.066421847)                 
 (10000000, 1.313739977, 0.800849544)                
 (100000000, 17.57806693, 15.449179262)              

# Show performance ratio. hinting best for everything except 10^5
julia> [(t[3] / t[2], t[1]) for t in times]
8-element Array{Tuple{Float64,Int64},1}:
 (0.9996828965954626, 10)       
 (0.9899930536901236, 100)      
 (0.9036578805809575, 1000)     
 (0.7397749169961189, 10000)    
 (1.1549058411612476, 100000)     # <- Unexpected
 (0.7526498697307179, 1000000)  
 (0.6095951695317863, 10000000) 
 (0.8788895459052619, 100000000)

# Reproduce the above result
julia> times = [(n, bench_no_hint(n), bench_hint(n)) for i in 4:6 for n = 10^i]
3-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64,Float64},1}:
 (10000, 0.000221071, 0.000163615)  
 (100000, 0.00277381, 0.003233641)    # <- Unexpected
 (1000000, 0.063075762, 0.055881177)

julia> [(t[3] / t[2], t[1]) for t in times]
3-element Array{Tuple{Float64,Int64},1}:
 (0.7401015963197344, 10000)  
 (1.165775954373227, 100000)    # <- Unexpected
 (0.8859374065112365, 1000000)