I was reading up on the new vectorized function syntax, and I wanted to try it out with BioSequence from the package Bio.jl and a toy example (below). BioSequences behave like a vector/array{1} of various subtypes of Nucleotide, but they are not AbstractArrays or anything like that.
I was wondering if there were a number of methods or characteristics a user defined type must have in order to work with the new vectorised/broadcast function syntax.
julia> using Bio.Seq
julia> ismismatch(a::Nucleotide, b::Nucleotide) = a != b
ismismatch (generic function with 1 method)
julia> as = dna"AAAAAAAAAA"
10nt DNA Sequence:
julia> bs = dna"AAAAAATTTT"
10nt DNA Sequence:
julia> ismismatch.(as, bs)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching getindex(::Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}, ::CartesianIndex{1})
in macro expansion at ./broadcast.jl:127 [inlined]
in macro expansion at ./simdloop.jl:73 [inlined]
in macro expansion at ./broadcast.jl:123 [inlined]
in _broadcast!(::#ismismatch, ::Array{Bool,1}, ::Tuple{Tuple{Bool},Tuple{Bool}}, ::Tuple{Tuple{Int64},Tuple{Int64}}, ::Tuple{Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}},Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}}, ::Type{Val{2}}) at ./broadcast.jl:117
in broadcast!(::Function, ::Array{Bool,1}, ::Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}, ::Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}) at ./broadcast.jl:172
in broadcast_t(::Function, ::Type{T}, ::Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}, ::Vararg{Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}},N}) at ./broadcast.jl:228
in broadcast(::Function, ::Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}, ::Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}}) at ./broadcast.jl:230