I feel like I’m missing something fundamental, but I’m unable to follow many of the examples in the BioSequences documentation, because many of the functions they use remain undefined in my namespace. A few key ones that are frustrating me:
BioSequences.each() - I receive an UndefVarError.
I also receive an UndefVarError for DNAMer, DNAKmer, BigMer, etc.
Finally, if I try to construct DNA sequences from strings:
LongDNASeq(“String”): UndefVarError
LongDNA(“String”): No method matching LongDNA::String
LongSequence{DNAAlphabet{2}}(“String”): Works, which is nice, but I don’t understand why LongDNASeq isn’t working as shown in the documentation.
I’m still new to Julia, so I could be getting my types vs functions vs methods muddled up, but I’m not sure why I can’t access these functions, especially BioSequences.each().
I’ve tried removing and re-adding BioSequences v3.1.3 from the registry, from the current master branch, and all releases down to 2.0.6, with the same results. I’m using Julia v1.8.5 on Mac Ventura 13.3.1
Has anyone else encountered this?
Here are the names exported from BioSequences for me:
[Symbol("@aa_str"), Symbol("@biore_str"), Symbol("@dna_str"), Symbol("@prosite_str"), Symbol("@rna_str"), :AASeq, :AA_A, :AA_B, :AA_C, :AA_D, :AA_E, :AA_F, :AA_G, :AA_Gap, :AA_H, :AA_I, :AA_J, :AA_K, :AA_L, :AA_M, :AA_N, :AA_O, :AA_P, :AA_Q, :AA_R, :AA_S, :AA_T, :AA_Term, :AA_U, :AA_V, :AA_W, :AA_X, :AA_Y, :AA_Z, :ACGT, :ACGTN, :ACGU, :ACGUN, :Alphabet, :AminoAcid, :AminoAcidAlphabet, :ApproximateSearchQuery, :BioRegex, :BioRegexMatch, :BioSequence, :BioSequences, :DNA, :DNAAlphabet, :DNA_A, :DNA_B, :DNA_C, :DNA_D, :DNA_G, :DNA_Gap, :DNA_H, :DNA_K, :DNA_M, :DNA_N, :DNA_R, :DNA_S, :DNA_T, :DNA_V, :DNA_W, :DNA_Y, :ExactSearchQuery, :LongAA, :LongDNA, :LongNuc, :LongRNA, :LongSequence, :LongSubSeq, :NucSeq, :NucleicAcid, :NucleicAcidAlphabet, :PFM, :PWM, :PWMSearchQuery, :RNA, :RNAAlphabet, :RNA_A, :RNA_B, :RNA_C, :RNA_D, :RNA_G, :RNA_Gap, :RNA_H, :RNA_K, :RNA_M, :RNA_N, :RNA_R, :RNA_S, :RNA_U, :RNA_V, :RNA_W, :RNA_Y, :SamplerUniform, :SamplerWeighted, :alphabet, :canonical, :canonical!, :captured, :complement, :complement!, :gap, :gc_content, :hasambiguity, :isGC, :isambiguous, :iscanonical, :iscertain, :iscompatible, :isgap, :ispalindromic, :ispurine, :ispyrimidine, :isrepetitive, :join!, :majorityvote, :matched, :matches, :maxscore, :mismatches, :n_ambiguous, :n_certain, :n_gaps, :ncbi_trans_table, :randaaseq, :randdnaseq, :randrnaseq, :randseq, :reverse_complement, :reverse_complement!, :scoreat, :seqmatrix, :symbols, :translate, :translate!, :ungap, :ungap!]