function compute(x::Vector, y::Vector)
return (x' * y) / sum(y)
Both x and y are vector with 0 or 1 values on each cell.
Based on this definition, I want to automatically generate a function, where for the variable in the denominator (y), I created a matrix Y, the rest variables remain to be vectors. The generated function should be something like:
function compute_generated(x::Vector, Y::Matrix)
n = size(Y, 1)
result = 0
for i = 1:n
result += x' * Y[:,i] / i
return result
What is the best way to perform this task?
I took a look at the Julia manual about macro and @generated function, but I am still confused about if the concept can be applied to the task.
I don’t understand how the two functions are related — in the first one the denominator is sum(y), in the kernel of the second one, i.
Generally, if you want to reduce a collection using a bivariate kernel function, look at mapreduce & friends. Generating a function from the source code of another functions is almost surely the wrong approach for what you are trying to do.
I have some rules that translate one function to another. For examples:
only sum(x) and/or sum(y), and other linear manipulation on those are allowed in the denominator.
If sum(x) appears on the denominator, I need to to write a generated function that accept a matrix X. If it doesn’t appear, then the function should accept a vector x.
The goal is to create a library that make this process automatic, i.e. given someone write the original code, the library should automatically generate the transformed function.