What is Julia named after?

Obviously (:wink:), Julia is an acronym for:


I feel like it is pretty clear from Alan’s video here: A programming language to heal the planet together: Julia | Alan Edelman | TEDxMIT - YouTube

Justifiably Unique Language for Intelligent Algorithms

Julia Unleash Leaky Incomprehensible Abstractions (when I know that the compiler is wrong and that I am right, I just cannot prove it right now).

@mbauman Is it ok to personify the language (in my case the compiler) though ? I like to yell at the compiler, we have a complicated (but always productive) relationship together. Your link points out :

[…] In particular, do not sexualize the term “Julia” or any other aspects of the project. While “Julia” is a female name in many parts of the world, the programming language is not a person and does not have a gender.

I am not sure about the “not a person” part, is it only included to mark the point about not sexualizing it or is it broader ?

PS : To be sure we understand each other, I am not asserting that the programming language is a person. I am just asking if personifying it in public, usually for humor reasons or to help the transmission of a message that is harder to express without second degree, is considered OK.

For example, clearly, sexualizing it for the same second degree reasons would not be OK by these communities guidelines.

I was moving on with my life doing my thing, now I’m really curious why it is named Julia. :unamused:

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The official story is that Julia isn’t named after anything, see at its Wikipedia page about it, and also there this recent (joke) quote from the co-creator Jeff: CAS benchmarks (Symbolics.jl and Maxima) - #17 by jeff.bezanson

Maybe julia stands for “Jeff’s uncommon lisp is automated”?

Note, Julia is not really a traditional Lisp language (though has Lisp-like macros), he may be referring to his other language FemtoLisp, that is embedded into Julia; Julia is likely the best Lisp (if considered as such, like e.g. some consider Ruby a Lisp) though without the Lisp non-syntax, the best more traditional Lisp would be Clojure.

I tried with ChatGPT:

:Hvað stendur Júlíá fyrir? [What does Julia stand for, I accidentally ended the Icelandic spelling with “á”, it didn’t matter. Note, the Icelandic pronunciation would be more like Yooleea.]

Ég er afskaplega hrifinn af fyrirspurn þinni um hvað nafnið “Júlía” stendur fyrir. [I’m very fond of your query on what “Júlía” stands for.] […] “Julius” eða “Julia” […]
Auk þess hefur nafnið “Júlía” verið túlkað sem “ung, ung stelpa” eða “mikið af jólagjöfum” í nokkrum tungumálum. [… or “lots of Christmas presents” in several languages, I was very surprised, possibly that’s a hallucination, maybe it can mean that, certainly Julia could have been a present to some people!]

Julia Uses LLVM Infrastructure for Acceleration
Jolted Up Language for Innovation and Agility.
JIT (Just-In-Time) Universal Language Implementation Architecture
Just-in-Time Updatable Language Implementation Architecture
Just Usable Language for Industrial Applications

ChatGPT could make for me lots of valid (Icelandic) acronyms, but they’re mostly bad (seem better for at least some non-Icelandic), and that one isn’t really directly translated to English):

Jafnvel Úthaldandi Listræn Iðnaðarforritun Ákvörðunartöku (meaning “Evenly-Enduring Numerical Industrial Programming for Decision Making”)

Jederzeit Umsetzbare Leistungsoptimierte Interpreter Architektur (German, meaning “Just-In-Time Implementable Performance-Optimized Interpreter Architecture”)
JULIA: Jüngste Und Leistungsstarke Integrierte Anwendungen (German for “Latest and Powerful Integrated Applications”)

Júlia: Journée Utile pour les Logiciels d’Intelligence Artificielle (French for “Useful Day for Artificial Intelligence Software”)
Juste Une Langue Idéale pour l’Analyse (French, meaning “Just an Ideal Language for Analysis”)

Juntando Usos de Librerías para Inteligencia Artificial (Spanish, meaning “Joining Uses of Libraries for Artificial Intelligence”)
Justo Uso di Library per Intelligenza Artificiale (Italian, meaning “Just Use of Libraries for Artificial Intelligence”)

Język Uniwersalny do Analizy Algorytmicznej (Polish, meaning “Universal Language for Algorithmic Analysis”)

JULIA: Jovial User-friendly Language with Impressive Applications (English)


Anthropomorphization is fine, sexualization is not. Guidelines like these are just lines in the sand that live somewhere between fine behaviors and terribly offensive ones. If you think you’re close enough to the line to ask if your toe is hanging off the edge, just take a step back. Personally, I’d avoid “having a complicated (but always productive) relationship [with Julia]” simply because I’ve seen a number of highly distasteful statements in the past that lie just a step or two over the line from there… and I want nothing to do with that, either in prose that I write or in path it points others to continue down.


I posted this some time ago in the slack #random channel, Julia is named after a sea snail
:snail: :coral: