What can I do to make a Julia generated video about math education easier to translate to other natural languages?

  • For the stereo audio, I’m already planning on recording the narrative in just one of the two channels so it can be easily replaced by the narrative recorded in another language.
  • For the images, I’ll be using the PyPlot backend. Is there an internationalization/translation Julia package that would make it easier to change the titles and labels and legends in those PyPlot plots?
  • For the Julia code, is there a best practice for making Julia source code readable in multiple languages?

When it comes to source, you already need to know English somewhat to do any programming (just don’t write your comments and docstrings in Elizabethan pentameter and you’ll be fine).

For graphics, you could put labels etc in a constant Dict{Symbol, String}, and conditionally load language files where this constant is defined. But I don’t know if that’s worth the overhead, if any international users have access to the source they can just replace the strings in place instead. Or you could go the mathematical route and use symbols instead of text: x / m is universal, length in meters is not.

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A Julia implementation of a video editor turned out to be easier than I expected. The resulting video is here. The Julia code that generated the video is in appendix C of this essay. It uses ffmpeg to stitch together the images generated by Julia and an Audacity label track to synchronize the video and audio as shown here:

I think the highlights of this exercise of implementing a video editor in Julia are:

  • It is flexible. Although I used it to create a slide show animation, it is capable of working with video clips.
  • With Julia’s parallel processing capabilities, it could be much faster than other video editor applications.
  • It is easy enough to use that I’m already looking forward to using it to create another video.