WebIO error and confusion about Jupyter installation

I am a new user of Julia (v1.5.0) on JupyterLab (v2.2.8). I installed Jupyter via pip (but somehow there also seems to be an installation from conda). Recently I encountered this “WebIO not detected” error when using PlotlyJS, so I followed here and ran


It produced this error:

[ Info: Using default Jupyter executable at 'C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts\jupyter.exe'; to use a different executable, see the documentation by running ?WebIO.install_jupyter_labextension.
An error occured.
ValueError: No linked package for @webio/webio
See the log file for details: C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Temp\jupyterlab-debug-pyfv8iws.log
An error occured.
ValueError: Please install Node.js and npm before continuing installation. You may be able to install Node.js from your package manager, from conda, or directly from the Node.js website (https://nodejs.org).
See the log file for details: C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Temp\jupyterlab-debug-_7i69vvl.log
An error occured.
ValueError: Please install Node.js and npm before continuing installation. You may be able to install Node.js from your package manager, from conda, or directly from the Node.js website (https://nodejs.org).
See the log file for details: C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Temp\jupyterlab-debug-2bwpqw3f.log
ERROR: failed process: Process('C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts\jupyter.exe' labextension install --no-build @webio/jupyter-lab-provider@0.8.15, ProcessExited(1)) [1]

Then I tried


And it produced another error:

An error occured.
ValueError: No linked package for @webio/webio
See the log file for details: C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Temp\jupyterlab-debug-rm3270jk.log
An error occured.
ValueError: Please install Node.js and npm before continuing installation. You may be able to install Node.js from your package manager, from conda, or directly from the Node.js website (https://nodejs.org).
See the log file for details: C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Temp\jupyterlab-debug-gwaskt1f.log
An error occured.
ValueError: Please install Node.js and npm before continuing installation. You may be able to install Node.js from your package manager, from conda, or directly from the Node.js website (https://nodejs.org).
See the log file for details: C:\Users\akahs\AppData\Local\Temp\jupyterlab-debug-j9k9vh1b.log
ERROR: failed process: Process(setenv('C:\Users\akahs\.julia\conda\3\Scripts\jupyter.exe' labextension install --no-build @webio/jupyter-lab-provider@0.8.15,[“PLATFORMCODE=1M”,…

[1] pipeline_error at .\process.jl:525 [inlined]
[2] run(::Cmd; wait::Bool) at .\process.jl:440
[3] run at .\process.jl:438 [inlined]
[4] install_jupyter_labextension(::Nothing; force_conda_jupyter::Nothing, condajl::Bool, dev::Bool) at C:\Users\akahs.julia\packages\WebIO\Fy9h1\deps\jupyter.jl:216
[5] top-level scope at REPL[5]:1

I’m wondering if this has something to do with my pip installation of Jupyter. But a more basic issue is, I’m very confused about pip installation vs. conda installation, which one Julia is using, and even why conda is involved here at all. I wonder if there’s a tutorial/introduction about the relationship between pip/conda.jl/Jupyter/IJulia/etc.?


Facing the exact same issue on Ubuntu using the Conda install of Jupyter lab.