When I start Julia in Atom, I get the following warning. ‘julia-client’ and all the packages are up to date. I just updated it earlier today. After the update, I tried to run an example from the repo, but I couldn’t as atom/julia got stuck and didn’t gave me anything (no warnings/errors/results/updates). Later when I quit julia and started it again, I got the folllowing warning.
Starting Julia…
_ _ ()_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
() | () () |
_ _ | | __ _ | Type “?” for help, “]?” for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ ` | |
| | || | | | (| | | Version 1.0.5 (2019-09-09)
/ |_‘|||_’_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/ |
julia> ┌ Warning: Atom.jl: unrecognised message cacheCompletions
│ Please make sure your Atom and Julia packages are in sync.
│ - Try using Pkg; Pkg.update()
to update this package.
│ - Check for julia-client
updates in Atom.
└ @ Atom C:\Users\kavit.julia\packages\Atom\cYxbS\src\comm.jl:175
These are the installed packages
julia> Pkg.installed()
Dict{String,Union{Nothing, VersionNumber}} with 11 entries:
“CSV” => v"0.5.26"
“GLPK” => v"0.12.1"
“Atom” => v"0.12.9"
“ZipFile” => v"0.8.4"
“SDDP” => v"0.3.1"
“CPLEX” => v"0.6.3"
“Juno” => v"0.8.1"
“JuMP” => v"0.21.1"
“MathProgBase” => v"0.7.8"
“Dates” => nothing
“MathOptInterface” => v"0.9.12"
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!