VSCode Deleting Julia Extension Settings

I am trying to set up a new project and am having issues with VSCode deleting the entry for julia.environmentPath.

If I don’t include julia.environmentPath in settings.json, I get a prompt each time I start VSCode telling me the opened Julia package is not part of the current environment. I can then click “Change Julia Environment” and the problem is fixed for that specific session. But I’d like to have this set programmatically.

So I have a local .vscode folder and in it I try to do

    "julia.environmentPath": "${workspaceFolder}/Project.toml",

I also tried

    "julia.environmentPath": "FULL/PATH/TO/PROJECT/MYPROJECT",

What is weird is that after I do this and I open VSCode, it starts in the correct environment but it immediately deletes that line from settings.json. I’ve no idea why, no reason is given. And so I have to copy/paste the line back in.

Does anyone know what might be causing VSCode to delete this one line? I’ve tried putting other settings in there and it doesn’t change them.