VS code is excellent!

It’s on our radar: https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vscode/issues/377


Btw this is what I see in Juno’s Julia setting’s tab. It allows you to set the number of threads. A central place for settings is really nice.

Ah, got it! https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vscode/issues/399 tracks the specific threads suggestion.

In terms of settings, I think we’ll just stick with the default VS Code settings UI. Hopefully at some point they will add some more UI like what Atom has.

For those that don’t use VS code and were concerned by the impossibility of docking the Console/Terminal pane vertically, note that the recent 1.18 release solved this limitation. You can now dock the console much like in Atom. Cool!

EDIT: It’s still not as flexible as in Atom (cannot dock vertically to the left, as far as I can tell)

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Yeah, this has been available in the “Insiders” version for a while, and is a great improvement.

I think that Atom is almost too flexible here, with panes sometimes floating all over the place, editor pane overlapping the console, etc.

I have code which produces some files (say PDF, Excel,…).
Is there any way I can produce a clickable link in the terminal in VSCode that will open said file with my Windows default application (given the extension)?
I can see that some of the built-ins (errors, stacktrace) do this, but I don’t know how to replicate it.

Right now I have println, @show, info and similar statements which simply show the file path (which I can then copy & past). A (CTRL) clickable link would be great…

@bernhard That is a cool idea! Could you open an issue over at the repo GitHub - julia-vscode/julia-vscode: Julia extension for Visual Studio Code for the extension for this? Thanks!


done. https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/julia-vscode/issues/428

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Does anyone know if there is a way to bring up a windows with the workspace like in Juno in VSCode?

No, we don’t support that right now. We have a prototype for that, but it still needs some work before we can release it.

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What about disadvantages like this one?

It says some packages (like Traceur.jl) can’t be integrated into vscode,
because it would require VS code to hook into a running process, which it’s not designed for.
But this package can be integrated in Juno though.

Sorry, I’m not familiar with Traceur (yet).

There is a “Move Terminal Right” button to the left of “Close Panel (x)”

Does VS code have user defined variables panel now?

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"There is no selection formatter for ‘julia’-files installed. "
Is there a formatter available ?

I think formatting should work, how are you trying to access it?

It is only set up to work on files, not selections, as of yet

Hi Mr. PetrKrysl,
I have set up my software according to the steps you wrote, but it always shows that
“Could not start the julia language server. Make sure the configuration setting julia.executablePath points to the julia binary.“”
I am sure I filled in the correct Julia path, even I can open Julia with powershell.
And I can see that there is “Julia Language Server is busy” at the bottom of the window…

So which version of Julia do you use and which operating system?

I assume you want to use Julia 1.0
VS Code is not yet working with Julia 1.0 according to the developer @davidanthoff (see this thread)