Vizagrams.jl: New Package for Data Visualization and Diagramming

I’d like to announce a new package called Vizagrams.jl.

It takes a new approach to data visualization by fully integrating it with diagramming.

Here is quick example of how to draw diagrams:

And here is an example of the sort of thing that can be achieved:

The plots are treated as diagrams, thus, can also be manipulated (rotations, translations, and so on).

The documenation has many other examples. The package is still rapidly evolving, so feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed.


Sonds great. What I’m missing in Julia is a plot, which let you easily zoom with mouse the region you need. Also I hope you can plot curves with Vizagrams.jl. In the example, I only saw point-based plotting.

Yeah, you can plot curves. For “zoom”, I’m still working to implement interactivity. But other mature visualizations packages have this zoom feature you are looking fore. I think Makie has it, and if not, I think Gadfly does and also Plotly.

The code for the image above is in the docs.

Aside from the packages that davibarreira mentioned, either of the gnuplot interfaces will offer this.

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