Viewer of matrix in VS Code

Is there a way to view a multidimensional matrix like in environment spyder?
For example, I have a NxNx2 matrix and I would like to present it in a similar form, where each cell would contain two elements

julia> @vscodedisplay rand(5,5)


I am sure that @vscodedisplay is the correct answer.
However does TerminalPager help?

Introduction · Terminal Pager (

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Yes, but each element is vector
In order to see such a conclusion, I have to write like this

@vscodedisplay matrix_params[:,:,1]

I don’t think there’s anything like this and the screenshot you posted also doesn’t seem to do what you are suggesting?

Here’s a quick and dirty solution:

julia> x = rand(3, 3, 2)
3Ă—3Ă—2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 0.472609  0.734902   0.867968
 0.421715  0.0143313  0.495953
 0.568858  0.697733   0.238647

[:, :, 2] =
 0.395903   0.35504    0.614969
 0.0402253  0.260445   0.338076
 0.740139   0.0265304  0.340696

julia> Complex.(x[:, :, 1], x[:, :, 2])
3Ă—3 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.472609+0.395903im    0.734902+0.35504im    0.867968+0.614969im
 0.421715+0.0402253im  0.0143313+0.260445im   0.495953+0.338076im
 0.568858+0.740139im    0.697733+0.0265304im  0.238647+0.340696im

I have sent a screenshot to show an example of the output I would like to get for my case.
Thank you


What would be the solution for this if I am in the VSCode debugger? I can’t see a matrix variable (apart form the list view, which is unhelpful) and the “@vscodedisplay x” doesn’t work. Extensions like Data Wrangler doesn’t seem to work either.

Thanks in advance for the inputs.