Variable from app.jl into script.js

Hi, lets say i have an app.jl that have this variables

app.jl :

@app begin
    @out firstX = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    @out firstY = [5, 0, 3, -1, 2]
@page("/", "public/index_ui.jl.html", layout = "public/index_layout.jl")

Then in index_ui.jl.html i can use this two variables for example like this:

<plotly :data="[
  x: firstX,
  y: firstY,
  mode: 'lines',
  type: 'scatter',

My question is, how can i use this two variables in script.js, that is being used for this html file. Shoud script.js just see them, or should I do something different. I have this as an example right now:

<div id="tester"></div> (index_ui.jl.html)

script.js :

TESTER = document.getElementById('tester');

Plotly.plot( TESTER, [{
     x: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
     y: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] }], { 
     margin: { t: 0 } }, {showSendToCloud:true} );

When i change this to x: firstX, - it does not draw a graph anymore, so it does not know what a firstX is.

Any help,

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