How would I add the JavaScript library X6 into a Stipple app? There are no vue components for this library, just pure JavaScript.
Do I have to put that into the js-methods macros e.g. @methods
Is there a way to include a js-file, so that I at least have propper syntax highlighting?
Or is the correct way to make a module that extends Stipple.jl
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What I have so far:
module App
using GenieFramework
# asset from:
const assets_config = Genie.Assets.AssetsConfig(package="App.jl")
Genie.Router.route(Genie.Assets.asset_route(assets_config, :js, file="x6.min")) do
Genie.Assets.embedded(Genie.Assets.asset_file(cwd=normpath(joinpath(@__DIR__, ".")), type="js", file="x6.min")),
:javascript) |> Genie.Renderer.respond
x6_deps() = [
Genie.Renderer.Html.script(src="$(Genie.Assets.asset_path(assets_config, :js, file="x6.min"))")
Stipple.deps!(@__MODULE__, x6_deps)
@created(read("main.js", String))
@page("/", "app.jl.html")
// Create an instance of Graph.
const graph = new X6.Graph({
container: document.getElementById('graph_container'),
grid: true
// Render source node.
const source = graph.addNode({
x: 300,
y: 40,
width: 80,
height: 40,
label: 'Hello',
// Render target node.
const target = graph.addNode({
x: 420,
y: 180,
width: 80,
height: 40,
label: 'World',
// Render edge from source to target.
<div class="graph" id="graph_container" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;"></div>
However it does not work.
Somehow the graph_container
div has zero width and zero height and only the placeholder is in it:

Running the contents of main.js
in the console and setting the width and height of the div correctly results in a working example, though.