Using Excel as a GUI for data entry

Can anyone tell me if the following is a ridiculous idea or not.

For interactive manual data entry, Excel (or one of its free spreadsheet equivalents) seems like a very versatile kind of “GUI”.

The following toy code works OK in a normal REPL outside of VS Code (due to the persistent readline() problem).

Is there a better way to pause the Julia flow than using readline() and waiting for the external program to finish?

Toy example using XLSX.jl
using XLSX

dir = pwd()
tempfile = joinpath(dir, "tmpsheet.xlsx")

XLSX.openxlsx(tempfile, mode="rw") do xf
    sheet = xf[1]
    sheet["A1"] = "X";  sheet["B1"] = 0.0;
    sheet["A2"] = "Y";  sheet["B2"] = 0.0;

while true
    run(`cmd /c start "" /b $(tempfile)`; wait=false)
    println("\nEXIT loop [Y]/N?")
    str = readline()
    str ∈ ("", "y", "Y") && break
X, Y = XLSX.readdata(tempfile, "Sheet1!B1:B6");
println("X = $X, Y = $Y")	

I think it makes a lot of sense in an industrial setting where everyone has Excel. We used to do this at my former company, where a spreadsheet was used to enter setup data for plotting to PDFs a series of many antenna patterns. For us, the Excel file was prepared beforehand and its file name was passed as the single input to the main program.


Thanks Peter. The use case I have in mind is to use this in a menu-driven type of program - see simple example here, where the benefits are nicely highlighted.

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May be not exactly that, but related: GivEmXL.jl

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I use Term.jl and NativeFileDialog.jl for my menu-driven program.