That’s because term
does not implement the full formula parser implemented in the @formula
macro, you’d have to implement that yourself. Unfortunately the output you’re targeting especially with package specific extensions of the base StatsModels syntax is a bit more complicated 
julia> @macroexpand(@formula(y ~ x1*x2 + fe(x3)*fe(x4)))
:(StatsModels.Term(:y) ~ StatsModels.Term(:x1) + StatsModels.Term(:x2) +
StatsModels.capture_call(fe, ((x3,)->fe(x3)), (:x3,), $(Expr(:copyast, :($(QuoteNode(:(fe(x3))))))),
[StatsModels.Term(:x3)]) + StatsModels.capture_call(fe, ((x4,)->fe(x4)), (:x4,), $(Expr(:copyast, :($(QuoteNode(:(fe(x4))))))),
[StatsModels.Term(:x4)]) + StatsModels.Term(:x1) & StatsModels.Term(:x2) +
StatsModels.capture_call(fe, ((x3,)->fe(x3)), (:x3,), $(Expr(:copyast, :($(QuoteNode(:(fe(x3))))))), [StatsModels.Term(:x3)]) & StatsModels.capture_call(fe, ((x4,)->fe(x4)), (:x4,), $(Expr(:copyast, :($(QuoteNode(:(fe(x4))))))), [StatsModels.Term(:x4)]))
If you look at the definition of term
in the source, it doesn’t quite match that complexity…
term(s::Symbol) = Term(s)
term(s::AbstractString) = term(Symbol(s))
Maybe @dave.f.kleinschmidt has an idea, or views on whether term
should be able to parse more complicated expressions?